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Find an Organization by Health Topic Results: 1-11 of 11 Orgs
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Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) is responsible for promoting the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals, and communities. ACF brings together in one organ... Details >

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Child Welfare Information Gateway

Formerly the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information and the National Adoption Information Clearinghouse, Child Welfare Information Gateway provides access to information and res... Details >

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Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families

The Children's Bureau (CB) is one of two bureaus within the Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Administration for Children and Families, of the Department of Health and Human Services. As... Details >

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Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Programs, Office of Population Affairs

The Adolescent Family Life (AFL) Demonstration and Research program, created in 1981 as Title XX of the Public Health Service Act, supports both demonstration and research grants. Within OPA, the Offi... Details >

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Office of Family Planning, Office of Population Affairs

The Family Planning program, authorized under Title X of the Public Health Service Act, is administered within the Office of Population Affairs by the Office of Family Planning (OFP). The Title X prog... Details >

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Office of Population Affairs

The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) serves as the focal point to advise the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary for Health on a wide range of reproductive health topics, including adolescent preg... Details >

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Office of Population Affairs Clearinghouse

The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) Clearinghouse is sponsored by the Office of Population Affairs, Department of Health and Human Services. The Clearinghouse makes available educational pamphlets ... Details >

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American Fertility Association  External Link

The American Fertility Association (AFA) is a national, non-profit organization which works to transform the lives of couples faced with infertility, raise awareness, and fight for social and legislat... Details >

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Child Welfare League of America  External Link

The Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) is an association of more than 1,000 public and not-for-profit agencies devoted to improving life for more than 2.5 million at-risk children and youths and t... Details >

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National Adoption Center  External Link

The National Adoption Center is a non-profit organization which was founded in 1972 to expand adoption opportunities throughout the United States for children with special needs and those from minori... Details >

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National Council For Adoption  External Link

The National Council For Adoption (NCFA) is an organization of nonprofit adoption agencies that provides information, monitors public policy, and promotes high standards in this field. The Council op... Details >

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