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News Release
October 3, 2001


photo of John B. Brown, IIIPending Approval from The Senate Judiciary Committee, Career DEA Special Agent will Serve in DEA's #2 Position

Asa Hutchinson, Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration, today stated that he was “extremely pleased” at the White House’s announcement of The President’s intent to nominate career DEA Special Agent John B. Brown, III, as DEA’s Deputy Administrator. “Special Agent Brown brings years of credible and effective law enforcement experience to the Deputy’s job, and I am looking forward to working with him as we face the challenges of drug trafficking and drug use in America. I know that his talents and expertise will make lasting contributions to DEA’s agenda in the coming years.”

photo of John Brown and Administrator Hutchinson
DEA's New Leadership
John Brown and
Administrator Hutchinson

In response to the announcement, John Brown commented, “My most significant feeling at this time is gratitude. I am grateful to President Bush, Attorney General Ashcroft, and Administrator Hutchinson for selecting me for this important position.” S/A Brown also expressed enthusiasm for his work, past and present, with DEA. “Success in a law enforcement career is in large part dependent upon the quality of one’s coworkers, and I have been blessed in that regard for the last 30 years. I am most honored to have the opportunity to give my fullest efforts to my country, law enforcement and especially the Drug Enforcement Administration.”

“I am most honored to have the opportunity to give my fullest efforts to my country, law enforcement and especially the Drug Enforcement Administration.”

- John B. Brown III
Candidate for DEA
Deputy Administrator


“Special Agent Brown brings years of credible and effective law enforcement experience to the Deputy’s job, and I am looking forward to working with him as we face the challenges of drug trafficking and drug use in America.”

-Asa Hutchinson
DEA Administrato

Special Agent John B. Brown, III, is currently the Special Agent in Charge of DEA’s Dallas Division where he oversees enforcement and intelligence operations in North Texas and Oklahoma. Prior to his Dallas assignment, Special Agent Brown was appointed to the Senior Executive Service and was selected to manage the El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC) in El Paso, Texas. This facility is staffed by personnel from fifteen federal agencies, including DEA, and collects, analyses and disseminates information to law enforcement on illegal drug trafficking. John Brown began his law enforcement career in 1969 as an officer in the Brockport, New York Police Department. He joined DEA’s predecessor agency, the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD) in Buffalo, New York in 1972. Since then, Mr. Brown has served DEA in Mazatlan and Merida, Mexico; Miami, Florida; and DEA Headquarters. While in Miami, Special Agent Brown was named the Law Enforcement Officer of the Year. In 1995, Special Agent Brown served as the agency’s Deciding Official for Disciplinary Matters until his assignment as SAC of EPIC.

John Brown holds a Bachelor’s Degree in English and Literature from the State University of New York at Brockport. He is married and has two grown sons.

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