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Drinking and Waste Water Role

EPA is prepared to support the effort to protect the nation’s water sector during an avian or pandemic flu outbreak.

Visit PandemicFlu.gov for access to U.S. Government avian and pandemic flu information.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is the lead federal agency in developing Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources (CI/KR) guidance for pandemic influenza.  Under Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7, EPA is designated as the Sector-Specific Agency for the water sector, and as such supports DHS in developing sector-specific pandemic guidance for the nation’s critical water infrastructure.  EPA also supports the Department of Heath and Human Services by providing water sector input on pandemic vaccine and antiviral prioritization guidance.  EPA will continue to support these and other efforts to prepare and assist the nation’s drinking water and wastewater systems in maintaining operations in the event of an avian or pandemic flu outbreak.  A better secured and resilient water sector provides continuity of operations and clean and safe water to the nation, affirming economic vitality and public confidence.

In the possible event of a human pandemic, social distancing may occur, which might help slow the spread of a human pandemic by avoiding the congregation of large groups of people. This might include the shut-down of schools, work, and large public events. In the case of social distancing, EPA is prepared to continue to meet our obligations in assisting water sector utilities. In addition, EPA is working with its stakeholders to assist in the development and promotion of mutual aid and assistance compacts among water sector utilities, which arrange for utilities to assist each other in time of need.


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