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" "" " Ozark-St. Francis National Forests




Ozark-St. Francis National Forests
605 West Main
Russellville, AR 72801

(479) 968-2354






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Climate Information



Average Temperature

Monthly average temperatures range from a high of 93.6 degrees to a low of 26.6 degrees.



Arkansas enjoys the four seasons in moderation, and the longer spring and fall seasons provide a mild climate. January average temperatures range from 35° to 4° F; the average temperature in July is 81° F. The annual relative humidity averages 57 percent. Arkansas receives approximately 44 to 54 inches of rainfall annually, while the capital city of Little Rock receives less than 4 inches of annual frozen precipitation.


Month-By-Month Averages:

Maximum Temperature 48.9° F
Minimum Temperature 30.1° F
Total Precipitation 3.72 inches
Total Snowfall 2.3 inches
Wind Direction north/northeasterly
January temperatures often fall below the average minimum and occasionally drop to the 0° range. January is usually the heaviest snowfall month. By most standards, January road conditions are good; however, during early morning and late evening hours, ice patches are common. This is particularly true in rural areas due to low traffic volumes. Ice storms and freezing rain occur most frequently during the month of January.
Maximum Temperature 54.2° F
Minimum Temperature 33.6° F
Total Precipitation 3.42 inches
Total Snowfall 1.7 inches
Wind Direction northwesterly
February is similar to January with occasional variations in low temperatures and icy road conditions. These winter months are popular with a variety of hardy outdoor enthusiasts due, in part, to the greater solitude.
Maximum Temperature 63.8° F
Minimum Temperature 42.4° F
Total Precipitation 4.69 inches
Total Snowfall .7 inches
Wind Direction west/southwesterly
March gradually signals the beginnings of spring; however, it is common to see one last snowfall. During the latter part of the month, leaves and flower buds begin opening to welcome the warmer temperatures.
Maximum Temperature 73.4° F
Minimum Temperature 50.8° F
Total Precipitation 5.63 inches
Total Snowfall 0 inches
Wind Direction southwesterly
April is considered to be the first true spring month with more consistent warmer temperatures. April also has the highest average rainfall. This early spring period is the time when the cabin fever blues of winter are washed away by spring showers and sunshine.
Maximum Temperature 80.8° F
Minimum Temperature 59.1° F
Total Precipitation 5.35 inches
Total Snowfall 0 inches
Wind Direction northwesterly
May is one of the most popular months in Arkansas for outdoor activities. The weather is moderate, early wildflowers are abundant, and trees are beginning to show plenty of new growth. Rivers, streams, and waterfalls swell with heavy flows from spring rains and provide may photo opportunities.
Maximum Temperature 89.2° F
Minimum Temperature 67.7° F
Total Precipitation 3.76 inches
Total Snowfall 0 inches
Wind Direction southwesterly
June is the month when the heat and humidity of the summer begin to be noticeable. Temperatures still remain fairly moderated and participation in outdoor activities remains high. The early part of the month is usually quite pleasant.
Maximum Temperature 92.4° F
Minimum Temperature 71.6° F
Total Precipitation 3.57 inches
Total Snowfall 0 inches
Wind Direction southwesterly
The old saying "Hot as a Fourth of July firecracker" applies particularly toward the end of the month. Temperatures can reach in the triple-digit range for short periods. Late July through early September generally signals a marked decrease in strenuous outdoor activities. This is a time when water sports are certainly the most popular activities.
Maximum Temperature 91.2° F
Minimum Temperature 69.9° F
Total Precipitation 3.45 inches
Total Snowfall 0 inches
Wind Direction southerly
August is generally known to be the "pinnacle" of summer heat and humidity. Temperatures frequently reach the triple-digit range and humidity leves can become quite high. This creates very oppressive conditions for strenuous activities.
Maximum Temperature 84.5° F
Minimum Temperature 63.4° F
Total Precipitation 3.95 inches
Total Snowfall 0 inches
Wind Direction south/southeasterly
September is the slow transition from summer heat to the pleasant temperatures of autumn. During the first half of the month, summer usually tends to drag on; however, pleasant conditions usually prevail by the las week of the month.
Maximum Temperature 74.5° F
Minimum Temperature 51.1° F
Total Precipitation 4.11 inches
Total Snowfall 0 inches
Wind Direction north/northeasterly
October truly signals the begining of autumn. Fall colors begin to appear in the northern sections of the state by the second week in October and continue slowly southward. Mid to late October generally provides peak fall color in the northern portions of Arkansas. October and November are two of the most popular months for outdoor enthusiats due to the beautiful fall colors and pleasant temperatures.
Maximum Temperature 62.3° F
Minimum Temperature 41.6° F
Total Precipitation 5.41 inches
Total Snowfall .3 inches
Wind Direction northwesterly
Frost starts to become common during this month. The first of November is generally peak fall color in the centeral to southern parts of the state. As the month progresses, temperatures can frequenly change to harsh cold.
Maximum Temperature 52.9° F
Minimum Temperature 34.0° F
Total Precipitation 4.89 inches
Total Snowfall .1 inches
Wind Direction northwesterly
December a signals the beginning of winter temperatures with heavy frosts becoming quite common. This is the perferred winter month for those who like to experience the colder temperatures.





Last Updated: October 22, 2008 8:51 AM
Author: Ryan Adcock
Created: April 17, 2002
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