United States Senate Committee on
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Domenici Statement on Passage of the Continuing Resolution
Moratorium on Offshore Drilling, Oil Shale Development Lifted by Congress
September 27th, 2008

          WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Pete Domenici, ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, today issued the following statement regarding the passage of a Continuing Resolution to fund the government that removes moratoria on offshore drilling and oil shale development:
            “For years, the appropriations process has been used to lock up America’s resources by placing a moratorium on offshore drilling.  Last year, Democrats choose to add oil shale to the list of resources that were off limits. 
            “Several months ago, I introduced legislation to end these damaging policies once and for all.  Since that time, Republicans have fought hard to remove those moratoria and allow our nation to take advantage of its own resources in order to lessen our dependence on foreign oil.  As we began to tell the American people about how Democrats sought to prevent them from using the oil, gas, and shale that they owned, they became more and more outraged.   
            “After months of maneuvers and dodging on this issue, the Democrats’ leadership has finally realized that the people have had enough.  The continuing resolution we just passed will be the first appropriations bill in 26 years that does not prevent us from offshore drilling.  Earlier this week, the Senate also defeated an attempt to place a moratorium on issuing regulations for oil shale development.
            “These are great victories for the American people and those of us who seek to end our reliance on foreign oil.  But they will be short-lived victories if the next Congress and next President seek to once again block these resources.  Although I will not be in the Senate next year for those fights, like many other citizens, I will be watching carefully.”

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Republican September 2008 Press Releases  « August | October »   « 2007 | 2009 » 
27th -  current Press Release
24th -  Domenici Statement on Expiration of Bans On Offshore Drilling And Oil Shale Development
23rd -  Domenici Applauds Extension of Key Tax Credits for Renewables
16th -  Domenici Questions Accuracy Of Report By Airline Investor
16th -  Domenici Statement At Plug-In Electric Vehicle Hearing
12th -  Domenici Honored By Energy Committee With Resolution

Media File Links

» Senator Domenici Remarks on America Competes Act
» Domenici Tussles With Nussle Over DOE's Loan Guarantee Program
Senator Domenici expresses frustration over DOE and OMB's lack of action on loan guarantees at a confirmation hearing for OMB Nominee Jim Nussle.
» Senator Domenici Remarks on Energy Security Act