For Immediate Release
December 18, 2006

Rep. Scott sends Holiday Message to the Troops

(Washington D.C.) - Congressman Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (VA-03) taped the following holiday message to our men and women serving overseas and their families:

"This is Congressman Bobby Scott wishing you a happy holiday season.

I am proud to represent the Third Congressional District of Virginia and the Hampton Roads area.  Our area has a rich military tradition and we see the effects of your sacrifices each and every day.

During the holiday season, it is more important than ever to thank all of you for the hard work you are doing for our great nation.  You and your families are sacrificing a great deal to ensure our safety and security.

No mater where you are or what job you are doing, your commitment is not going unnoticed.  We cannot be more proud of you as we continue to meet the challenges of the 21st century.  I wish you health, happiness, and a safe return home to your families."

The video message will be distributed to the troops and their families via the Armed Services Network.  To view the video message, please click here.



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