For Immediate Release
May 25, 2007
Contact:  202.225.8351   

Rep. Scott Hosts a Roundtable on No Child Left Behind

(Washington D.C.) - Next Wednesday, Robert C. "Bobby" Scott, (D-VA), will bring together people in the field of education and school administration to discuss the re-authorization of the Elementary & Secondary Education Act, including the federal education programs under the No Child Left Behind Act.

As the House Education and Labor Committee continues its deliberations this summer, Mr. Scott would like to hear from individuals working every day with this law in schools and school districts around the Third Congressional District of Virginia.

The No Child Left Behind Education Roundtable will be held on Wednesday, May 30, 2007, at 9:30 a.m. at Congressman Scott’s Richmond office, 501 North Second Street, in the First Floor Conference Room.



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