@itilkil I? urn Public KA;alth il;vamlice 4 DAlt- August TO litri Eugene Rubel Diroctor, Division of CHP molt C, Gardiner, 8,D@ Raoional @,ealO Ad;ainistrator Task for iploi ERP L islatio@ 'ork for,,-*-Ily rcAvivtt the draft t@-- Thank yov for the opport "I , h@--oth r@sourc@s platning rem for impI m,,nUtion of O,, Ii)l slatioA requested in your July 229 1974 letter. I tor4e chearte@ly with your d-esire to work toit,@thr@r in tvA. critical areas of' pro rarii h-S 9 iA d@il and we have discussed tifi@itat v@e feel art', positive appmaches to tle entire proposed draft work, proqrtni h-,@ich you given ust L@tile ve note that in ),our letter y@iu rf-.Ou,,,,sted that 'we refr-in frm th,'.4 v@@,luiey dicl-toto-r.,y ve are conccrncd tbout the htavy ctntralization aspects that are not only suo,966sted but are t@ionagi@ly i,m,plicit throughout the draft pfti,,iDscd, Su@vh drafts r@:*Ake the c,,n issue of tho di Choy, try one t[i 6C, not b@q avoided in tatri of our reeip-oase, It is clearly obvious t@at your staff h-ras not quite r.-rceived that the role of that rcoional office is an iptelral part of t4ie ad.-ministration o f th,-@- pr@ln@Asd. pro(,Irt.@";14 1,@le rem to st4te sort conct-tn that th@* [!top I'tii@-lation will raise Oe sp,*.cter of re-ceitraiiiation fully, I 0 -Llvoid this V.@uld like OncerA. 4bout l@t at is explicit to st,70te our c @t@ ttir; V' sotv4tir@p@s is implicit, in your of the ri@ltlkt h?kAnd mst COIL!7@,n In. the prolrtti the rv. s p@) ri s i b- i Is a$ a vinoit it descriLes no clear regional office role tl'lr@Lig4out ly in ttt,,*, purview the draft doccent# NIY one assi,ri,",nt is sOle of the regional offict-t 1-kriv,4 Okat this iS nOt a fl-lat you had eiflier i@- lic-d or explicitly v.@,antE@ to relay in Olterial that you have sent us. At the we find with a great deal of ctncern Rany if not r,,@ost of the present role, relationships and dutits of .ional staffs relegated either solely to central office the reg or io. cot,-,,iLtnction With itt V4 WeIC07ie a close cooperative proti@-ar@,-,ntic relationship @,.Ith DCHP Cc-ntral O@'fice., w4vid also v@,tlcc,7 a b,@,tt;er and ri-or-e evitable allocation of resp ,onsibility and re hips to the rt@,o@lr@ swe la'-ions 0 havOt The Staff of HRP is proposed to biA. appr .Oxim lately clually divided betifeen central office and th@- rc,@giois, Yet we see no conson 10 a Core ant distribution of Oc @,lork lo@d, a c C ',\@i equitable distribution, we suggest a redraftitig of the Floo -OPS -ObJcctives to reflect a better definition of the role of ttle rtgional Vnd,,,ir separate cover 'Ke are giving Specifics to that involve,,,-r,,nt which I trust your staff will take into conr5idertl!.tioD, Hot@,leveri because individually they r,,@--y b-0 subject to discussion, we viould volunteer 2,4 m@D. days of stzff tire, fill, t is gioRal office re to clarify the Issues th%arein describ@-d on the- role of the rc @,gional lw Office vis-a-vis Fiat needs to be eone f ro-I our point of vice., Should you accept our offer, t-i,,a would be glad to serve as fv .&I Point4 for input fmfn,ot@.Ar regions and RP-.Ikls, if you do accept, pl(fo@e contact Dr. Z. E. Farag, Directtr of the Di vi@iOn f Re@ources Devel opunt 4 I - l@, ke feel keenly that the toothesis under Vhich we labored th ,hat went wnng was due to in th%aF ir@p@tri.,c-ntation of th ow Ctil, program is only partially correct, lbort is still a or @,t nvqe@d to eofioe national policy issues on su5s@riti've concerns, on r(arroA ng the focus of thav agl6qncy,s mission, of thav nbed t@ aid the Agencies as they develop math@logically sound of assee)sing the area n and describe the nature and scope, of the syste-.-!ils future, and the noed te those planes in state and s b- to appropriately v iational ways. we would like- to be involved in thp- eactivities a5 @tell a.$ those described in your work plaot land free t-(@Ov@e that ttei na tt'On's supply of staff can be so divided as to equitably and effectively r@Arshall th rtsources to get the job done for this ivortant pr@gro,