National News

2008 Smokey Bear Awards
This year one gold, one silver, 6 bronze, and two certificates are awarded to people who went above and beyond their normal job duties.

Chief Announces Personnel Changes
Deanna Stouder will be the new Director for the Pacific Southwest Research Station in California, Jacqueline Myers will be the Associate Deputy Chief for Business Operations in the Washington Office and Rob Doudrick will be the new Director for Resource Use Sciences in the Washington Office. 

Firefighters from Greece on California Firelines
This is the first year of the two year program for the Greek firefighters from the Hellenic Fire Brigade. 

Wildfire – Why the West is Burning
is the focus of the July 2008 issue of National Geographic magazine and features, at length, Rocky Mountain Research Scientists from the Fire Sciences Laboratory in Missoula.

FLAME Bill Passes House Vote Unanimously
The Federal Land Assistance, Management and Enhancement Act (FLAME Act, H.R. 5541) was passed by the House unanimously on July 9 by a unanimous voice vote. 

The Latest Fire Information

News About Us

New Centers Added to Forest Service Job Corps Program
The addition of three Civilian Conservation Centers (CCCs) to the Forest Service Job Corps program has been announced by Chief Gail Kimbell.

Riparian Conference Was ‘Green’
The “Working at the Water’s Edge” riparian conference emphasized sustainable operations during its run.

Forest Service Co-Sponsors International Ecosystems Meeting
The 12th Global Katoomba brought together policy makers, financial institutions, business leaders, the environmental community and local groups to discuss the scope and potential of current ecosystem markets – carbon, water, biodiversity – to address environmental problems.

Ranger District Award Cash Supports Special Needs Kids
The employees on the De Soto Ranger District used a portion of their cash 2007 Ranger District of the Year award to host an event for children with special needs.

Field Course Targets Spanish Speaking
This course, conducted entirely in Spanish, is an intensive four-and-a-half week field course designed for mid-level professional and technical personnel, principally from Latin America and the Caribbean

CCC Appreciation Day at the Tellico Ranger District
The first Civilian Conservation Corps camp in the southeastern U.S. was built near Tellico Plains, Tenn. On June 27 a special open house was held for former CCC workers, relatives, and the public.

Kids Travel Across the Country to Study Goshawks
Eighth and ninth grade students and their teachers from Hartford, Connecticut, recently spent three days on the Kaibab Plateau in Arizona with Research Wildlife Biologist Richard Reynolds.

Boy Scouts Service Projects Rivals CCC
The Boy Scouts National Honor Society, the Order of the Arrow conducted one of the 5 biggest service projects on national forests since the Civilian Conservation Corps.

Mutants Gather
Mutants are a group of people who, according to their Web site, "encourage individual and group autonomy, celebrate independent art and culture....and encourage a harmonious relationship with the earth."

Give Us Your Best Shot!
The Conservation Education and Nature Watch programs are joining forces to sponsor a photo contest focused on the Forest Service’s Kids in the Wood emphasis area.

BLM and Forest Service Consider Large-Scale Geothermal Leasing
The BLM and the Forest Service have drafted an environmental impact statement for geothermal leasing in the West, including Alaska. 

Rainbow Gathering Brings Arrests
A total of five arrests were made in relation to this incident. One officer suffered minor injuries and was cleared by a local hospital; a government vehicle was also idamaged during the arrests. 

Driver Pleads Guilty in Death of LEO
The judge sentenced the man to serve to five years and one month in jail, the maximum allowed.

Oldest Experimental Forest Readies for Centennial Celebration
The founding of the Fort Valley Experimental Forest, the first in the country, will be celebrated during a 3-day event, scheduled for August 7-9, 2008, in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Collaborative Efforts to Help Slow the Spread of Gypsy Moth
The Northeastern Area and state and federal partners collaborated this spring in a large-scale effort.

Educator’s Conference Has Forest Service as Joint Sponsor
A conference for educators on climate change on July 23 – 24 in Silver Spring, Maryland. If you can't travel to the conference, there will be a live Web cast of the conference on the Sally Ride website.

Malheur Celebrates 100 Years
On June 13-14 the Malheur National Forest (Ore.) celebrated its 100th birthday with an employee event as well as a community gathering.

The National Technology & Development Program
The Forest Service National Technology & Development program stays in the forefront of information and technology that advances the application of science.

WERC Sponsors Forest Industries Conference
The Great Lakes Forest Alliance and more than twenty partners including the Northeastern Area’s Wood Education and Resource Center sponsored the “Crisis or Opportunity: Sustaining and Strengthening Forest-Based Industries in the Great Lakes Region” conference in Madison, Wis., June 23-25.

Partnership Develops Seedcrops to Restore Uplands, Wetlands
In the high plains desert of North Park, Colorado, the Forest Service, local kids, and partners are busy developing seedcrops for restoration of local uplands and wetlands.

Protecting Air Quality on the Superior National Forest
The Superior National Forest is addressing air quality concerns with a twofold approach: monitoring conditions on the Forest and participation in the air quality regulatory process.

Selected LEI Reports

East to West News Items from Offices Across the Country

Calender of Events   click here Click here to go to the Calender of Events

Looking Back: Arboretum Shows Importance of Native Tree Species

Research News

Why People Live in Wildfire Zones
University of Oregon psychology professor Paul Slovic and other researchers offer insight into understanding risks in a democratic society.

New Book Presents Methods for Detecting Rare Carnivores
Twenty-five North American scientists present their techniques for detecting rare carnivores in a new book useful for land managers developing wildlife conservation plans.

Drinking Water Supplies Threatened
The Northeastern Area (NA) will release a report titled, “Forests, Water, and People” showing that if development continues at the current rate, the water supplies of many of America’s fastest growing metro areas may be at risk.

Biosurveillance: Using Wasps to Search For A Forest Pest
Forest health managers in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic will soon employ a common native wasp to search for a tree-killing invasive insect.

Tree-Killing Fungus Named by Scientists
The fungus responsible for killing redbay and other laurel trees in the coastal plains of northeastern Florida, Georgia and South Carolina now has an official name. It’s Raffaelea lauricola.

News for Employees   
(available only to those with access to the Forest Service intranet)

click here Click here to go to News for Employees.