Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Knowledge about HIV infection among high-school students in Palembang City, Indonesia.
Knowledge about HIV infection among people in Tochigi Prefecture: effect of education to improve the discrimination of HIV patients.
Knowledge about HIV transmission in Hispanics in San Francisco: acculturation effects.
Knowledge about HIV-I transmission ways and preventive actions by passers-by.
Knowledge about HIV/AIDS prevention and transmission methods among youth in Mozambique.
Knowledge about Mother to Child HIV Transmission of population of Kampala district, Uganda, 2004.
Knowledge about Occupational risk of HIV infection and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis among Physicians.
Knowledge about Perinatal HIV Transmission in the United States Adult Population -- BRFSS, 1992 and 2001.
Knowledge about sexuality among adolescents from periphery parts of Sao Paulo City.
Knowledge about sexually transmitted infections and blood-borne viruses in Sydney Vietnamese community.
Knowledge about STD and AIDS among adolescents from peripheric regions in Sao Paulo City.
Knowledge about STD/AIDS and sexual behavior of risk in adolescents at Lambayeque, Peru.
Knowledge about STD/HIV/AIDS and sexual behaviors of MSMs in Iloilo City, Philippines.
Knowledge about the HIV transmission among male individuals aged 17, in Brazil.
Knowledge about tuberculosis (TB) of health care providers (HCP) in a center for AIDS.
Knowledge and acceptability of HAART among TB patients in South Africa.
Knowledge and acceptability of HIV voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) among Ugandan urban youth.
Knowledge and attitude amoung youths regarding HIV/AIDS in selected colleges of Madurai,S.India.
Knowledge and attitude in relation to HIV/AIDS among in-service nurses of Calcutta, India.
Knowledge and attitude of adolescents towards AIDS and other sexual related problems.
Knowledge and attitude of Army persons in Bahrain (Arabian Gulf) relating to HIV infection.
Knowledge and attitude of Asian men in Glasgow (U.K.) relating to HIV infection.
Knowledge and attitude of freshmen students of Liceo de Cagayan University towards HIV/AIDS.
Knowledge and attitude of garment factory workers on HIV/AIDS.
Knowledge and attitude of women in Palembang city concerning AIDS.
Knowledge and Attitude on HIV/AIDS: A Study of Women in a Rural Community.
Knowledge and attitude related STIs, HIV/AIDS among CFSWs of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Knowledge and attitude to AIDS shown by Ugandan school children, based on a nationwide poster competition.
Knowledge and attitude to HIV/AIDS among the ninth grade students in islands of Okinawa Prefecture, Japan.
Knowledge and attitude to HIV/AIDS in Hungarian garrisons and prisons.