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Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Family Boraginaceae

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Up to the Kingdom
Kingdom  Plantae – Plants
Subkingdom  Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision  Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division  Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
Class  Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
Subclass  Asteridae
Order  Lamiales
Family  Boraginaceae – Borage family
Contains 42 Genera and 500 accepted taxa overall
Down one level
Genus  Alkanna Tausch – alkanna P
Genus  Amsinckia Lehm. – fiddleneck P
Genus  Anchusa L. – bugloss P
Genus  Antiphytum DC. & Meisn. – saucerflower P
Genus  Argusia Boehmer – sea rosemary P
Genus  Asperugo L. – German-madwort P
Genus  Borago L. – borage P
Genus  Bothriospermum Bunge – bothriospermum P
Genus  Bourreria P. Br. – strongbark P
Genus  Brunnera C. Steven – brunnera P
Genus  Buglossoides Moench – buglossoides P
Genus  Carmona Cav. – scorpionbush P
Genus  Cerinthe L. – honeywort P
Genus  Cordia L. – cordia P
Genus  Cryptantha Lehm. ex G. Don – cryptantha P
Genus  Cynoglossum L. – hound's tongue P
Genus  Dasynotus I.M. Johnst. – whitethroat P
Genus  Echium L. – viper's bugloss P
Genus  Ehretia P. Br. – ehretia P
Genus  Eritrichium Schrad. ex Gaudin – alpine forget-me-not P
Genus  Hackelia Opiz – stickseed P
Genus  Harpagonella A. Gray – grapplinghook P
Genus  Heliotropium L. – heliotrope P
Genus  Lappula Moench – stickseed P
Genus  Lindelofia Lehm. P
Genus  Lithospermum L. – stoneseed P
Genus  Macromeria D. Don – giant-trumpets P
Genus  Mertensia Roth – bluebells P
Genus  Myosotidium Hook. – giant forget-me-not P
Genus  Myosotis L. – forget-me-not P
Genus  Nonea Medik. – monkswort P
Genus  Omphalodes Mill. – navelwort P
Genus  Onosma L. – onosma P
Genus  Onosmodium Michx. – marbleseed P
Genus  Pectocarya DC. ex Meisn. – combseed P
Genus  Pentaglottis Tausch – pentaglottis P
Genus  Plagiobothrys Fisch. & C.A. Mey. – popcornflower P
Genus  Pulmonaria L. – lungwort P
Genus  Rochefortia Sw. – rochefortia P
Genus  Symphytum L. – comfrey P
Genus  Tiquilia Pers. – crinklemat P
Genus  Tournefortia L. – soldierbush P

The report will display the kingdom and all descendants leading down to the name you choose.