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Alaska Region


Alaska Park Science

This just in! Crossing Boundaries in a Changing Environment

Alaska Park Science

Alaska Park Science is a semi-annual journal that will share what we are learning in Alaska's national parks through the study of their vital cultural and natural resources. Some of the best places in the country have been chosen as parks. These places are landscapes and historic shrines in which we feel wonder, reverence, respect - and responsibility. We are immmensely proud that such places exist and that we are successfully preserving this natural and cultural heritage for future generations.

Sharing these ideas and what we have learned in our resource sudies is essential. The National Park Service strives to connect education with research and science, for education can serve as the bridge between knowledge and responsibility to manage them.

As part of our "contract with the future," Alaska Park Science can connect the public with their national parks and the natural and cultural resources found there. Alaska's national parks serve to teach, inform, inspire and motivate people. In the end, we hope the national parks will inspire and encourage people to make a difference.

Find out what you need to do to send in a proposal for consideration in this publication.

Winter 2002 (Volume 1 Issue 1)

Spring 2003 (Volume 2Issue 2)

Winter 2004 (Volume 2 Issue 2)

Kenai Fjords Special Issue Spring 2004 (Volume 3 Issue 1)

Fall 2004, (Voume 3 Issue 2)

June 2005, (Volume 4 Issue 1)

Special Celebration of ANILCA Issue December 2005 (Volume 4 Issue 2)

May 2006 Scientific Studies in Denali (Volume 5 issue 1)

December 2006 (Volume 5 Issue 2)

Scientific Studies on Climate Change in Alaska's National Parks(Volume 6, Issue 1)

Crossing Boundaries in a Changin Environment (Volume 6 Issue 2)

For more information about this journal please contact Project Lead Robert Winfree, Regional Science Advisor, at: 907-644-3516 or the Communications Office, Alaska Region 240 West Fifth Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska, 99503 Ph: 907-644-3512 email: or

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Author:Jane Ahern

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