US Forest Service
[Graphic]: Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit

US Forest Service
Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit

35 College Drive 
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150

(530) 543-2600 
TTY: (530) 543-0956

[Graphic]: United States Forest Service Shield

Angora Fire Restoration Project

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Angora Fire Restoration Project Overview of Issues - May 22, 2008

The U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) is seeking comments on opportunities, described below, to restore the Angora Fire Area. This information and detailed maps may be found on the LTBMU website at, or at the Forest Supervisor's Office front desk at 35 College Drive, South Lake Tahoe, California.

Input during this part of the process will be most helpful if received by June 23, 2008. Written comments may be submitted via mail or fax addressed to Terri Marceron, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Supervisor's Office, 35 College Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150; FAX (530) 543-2693; or email using Subject: Angora Fire Restoration Project. Oral comments may be directed to project leader, Duncan Leao at (530) 543-2660. The LTBMU will post comments received on its website under the link for Angora restoration. This opportunity to provide input is in advance of the National Environmental Policy Act process. Once a proposal for restoration is developed, there will be additional opportunities for comment during the environmental analysis.

Watershed and Aquatic Biological Resources
  • Stream, wetland and meadow ecosystems within the Angora Fire area function as habitat for a diverse group of aquatic and terrestrial (land-based) species and influence the quality and quantity of water in the Upper Truckee River.
  • Historic management along Angora Creek and its tributaries has caused streams to downcut into associated valleys and current channel locations, increasing the supply of fine sediment downstream and causing the loss of both quality and quantity of aquatic habitat and the degradation of meadow and wetland ecosystems. Effects from the Angora Fire resulting from high intense burn severities exacerbated these conditions.
  • Aquatic biologists and hydrologists have identified a suite of stream, meadow and wetland restoration opportunities to reclaim channel form/function, improve water quality and restore aquatic habitat and riparian/wetland vegetation. For restoring channels, options include abandoning the current channel and constructing a new one, designing features to improve the channel in its current location, or allowing the channel to stabilize on its own. The first two options provide more aquatic habitat in a shorter amount of time. The third option may take longer to provide habitat improvements and produce increased levels of sediment until stabilization occurs.
  • Restored aspen stands and riparian corridors (a river or stream and its surrounding environment) would benefit aquatic and terrestrial wildlife species-richness and abundance, water quality, and geomorphic processes (physical and chemical interactions that alter landforms including stream channels). Options for aspen management include removing conifers, including both standing and fallen trees, as well as other coarse woody debris, to accelerate aspen re-growth. Whether, when, where and how aggressively to remove other vegetation are the key questions.
  • Retaining some burned areas would increase wildlife habitat diversity on the forest and benefit species that prefer burned areas such as the black-backed woodpecker.
  • Planting trees in some burned areas would contribute, in the long term, toward replacing spotted owl and goshawk habitat lost in the fire. Suitable habitat around the burned area is being monitored for these species.
Invasive Weeds
  • There are existing invasive weed occurrences within and adjacent to the burn area, including Tall whitetop, Dalmatian toadflax, St. John's wort, and Bull thistle.
  • Currently we are treating these species by hand pulling. Our goal is to eradicate them, or at least contain their spread.
  • These invasive species are opportunistic competitors. When introduced or pre-existing near or in disturbed areas, they can expand their populations, displacing native plants and causing changes in the natural environment.
Forest Fuels
  • All the National Forest System lands in the fire area are considered Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). Right now, the amount of fuel, in the form of downed trees, grasses, forbs, and shrub species, is low at less than 5 tons/acre in most areas of the fire. Fuels accumulation is expected to increase over the next 20 years as dead trees fall and other fuels such as grass, brush, and trees grow back (60-90 tons/acre is some areas). The target fuel loading for most FS fuels reduction projects across the basin in the WUI defense zone is less than 15 tons/acre on the average.
  • Excessive large woody debris (generally greater than 20 tons/acre) provides a source for firebrands that can carry a fire (spotting). It can also slow fireline construction rates and make it more difficult to suppress future wildfires.
  • If we wish to use prescribed fire for ecosystem health and fuels reduction in the future, we must first reduce the density and loading of dead trees and some downed wood. while balancing soil and wildlife needs.
  • Treatment to reduce fuel accumulation will provide an environment where natural disturbance regimes (such as the natural occurrence of fire) can retain or re-establish some of their historical influence in maintaining the diversity and productivity of the regional landscapes.
  • Treating 100% of the dead fuels (trees) is not necessary in order to meet desired conditions for fire behavior and fireline construction over the long term.
Vegetation (Trees)
  • Approximately 2000 acres of forest burned with high vegetation severity, resulting in a deforested condition.
  • It is expected that natural reforestation of trees and understory plants would occur in many areas of the fire. In high severity burned areas, minimal to no natural reforestation of conifers is expected because of a consumed seed bank and a lack of nearby seed sources (within 100-200 ft).
  • In some areas of the fire where shrub species dominate the site, reforestation could take 50-100 years without some active management. This is because brush species are expected to establish and make it difficult for tree seedlings to grow in a competitive environment for resources (soil, water, light).
  • The early establishment of native conifers through reforestation will expedite forest regeneration and allow conifers to out compete regenerating shrubs for light, soil and water. We would plant natives species that are shade-intolerant and drought tolerant: Jeffrey and sugar pines and incense cedar.
Transportation & Recreation
  • Approximately 6.5 miles of native surface road and 25 miles of trails currently exist within the Angora Burn Area. Approximately 3.5 miles of the roads and 12 miles of the trails are managed, Forest Service system roads and trails.
  • Some areas of the transportation system are susceptible to erosion and movement of fine sediment. The project could address erosion from roads and trails that have the potential to impact water quality in streams and wetlands. Possible Best Management Practices (BMPs) that could be used include: water bars, re-contouring to restore natural drainage, mulching, and re-vegetation.
  • There is a need to provide sufficient access for future FS administrative needs and public recreation. The project could adopt some non-system roads and trails as system trails and upgrade with BMPs, and obliterate others. A thoughtfully planned road and trail system should reduce the occurrence of user created trails and reduce maintenance needs. Many user created trails within the Angora Burn Area lack Forest Service design standards and cause concern for resource protection.
  • Other restoration activities may require the development and use of temporary vehicle access to remove fuel and construct restoration improvements where Forest Service system roads do not currently exist. The project could provide temporary vehicle access and, when the work is complete, either mitigate the temporary access by using BMPs or restoring it to natural conditions in sensitive resource areas.

Angora Ecosystem Restoration Project - Possible Actions

1. Reforestation on approximately 1100 acres
  • In areas where mortality is high and in a natural group and clump arrangement in widely spaced clusters to emulate a naturally established forest, rather than a plantation.
  • To include shade intolerant and drought tolerant native species: Jeffrey Pine, Sugar Pine and Incense Cedar.
  • Leave unplanted areas within to provide for different types of vegetation.
  • Prep the site by clearing brush prior to planting.
  • Clear competing brush by hand to allow for survival of seedlings until they reach a sufficient height.
2. Remove and Reduce Standing and Downed Dead Fuels to Reduce Wildfire Risk and Facilitate Fire Suppression in the Wildland Urban Interface
  • Retain leave islands (clusters of standing dead trees) for wildlife habitat on a minimum of 10% of the area.
  • Remove fuels on up to 1550 acres within the Angora Fire WUI Defense Zone (based on topography and prevailing winds).
    • 1200 acres ground based equipment and 340 acres aerial removal.
    • Would require approximately 7.1 miles of existing non-system roads and 1.4 acres of new temporary roads. Temporary roads would be restored after project activities are complete.
3. Aquatic Habitat and Water Quality Restoration
  • Restore floodplain on an estimated 1200 feet of stream to reduce erosion/sedimentation downstream.
  • Place large woody debris placement on approximately 2 miles of stream to restore fish habitat and reduce erosion and sedimentation.
  • Activities would occur above Lake Tahoe Blvd, along Angora Creek and its tributaries.
  • Restore channel to Pope marsh.
  • Seneca Pond management - maintain manmade pond structure or allow to return to a more natural wetland condition.
  • Fish passage restoration: removing barriers that prevent fish from reaching needed habitats.
4. Stream Environment Zone Restoration
  • Meadow management - tributaries to Pope marsh and other meadows within fire.
  • Removal of conifer seedlings in SEZs to allow for return of streamside (riparian) vegetation.
  • Aspen management - remove standing and downed trees and coarse woody debris in aspen stands to encourage re-growth of aspen.
5. Road and Trail Restoration
  • Develop a sustainable transportation system to ensure future access needs for recreation and administrative use.
  • Upgrade/adopt/re-route/reconstruct/decommission system and non-system roads/trails.
  • Depends on fuel reduction/removal.
  • To reduce erosion/sedimentation.
  • Evaluate stream crossings for impacts to aquatic species/habitat and water quality.

Table 1. Approximate Range of Actions for Road and Trail Restoration In Angora Fire Area

  Trails (Mi) Roads (Mi)
Decommission legacy 3-5 1-3
New/Reroute 1-3 1-2
Upgrade 5-7 1-2
6. Noxious Weed Management
  • Continue removing noxious (harmful) weeds throughout burned area by pulling or using chemical treatments.
  • Incorporate or adopt a rapid response plan for removal of new noxious weeds in burned area.
7. Incorporate Research and Monitoring Strategies within the Burned Area

Project Documents

Note: PDF format links require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.

Project Maps

Select Maps below for a larger view.

  Existing Road & Trail System       Eco Rest. & Invasive Weeds

[Map]: Small map of Existing Road and Trail System. Please select this map for a larger view. [Map]: Small map of Ecological Restoration and Invasive Weeds. Please select this map for a larger view.

     Fuels & Veg. Opportunities        Reforestation Opportunities

[Map]: Small map of Fuels and Vegetation Treatment Opportunities. Please select this map for a larger view. [Map]: Small map of Reforestation Opportunities. Please select this map for a larger view.

          Post-Fire Treatments                  Pre-Fire Treatments

[Map]: Small map of Proposed South Shore Project and Post-Fire Treatments. Please select this map for a larger view. [Map]: Small map of Pre-Fire Treatments (1996 - 2006). Please select this map for a larger view.

US Forest Service - Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU)
Last Modified: Monday, 07 July 2008 at 18:46:24 EDT

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