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Become A Partner: Truck Stops

What Does it Mean to Become a SmartWay Truck Stop/Plaza Partner?

SmartWay Truck Stop/Plaza Partners commit to promote greater energy efficiency at their facilities. As a truck stop/plaza owner, you can help your customers make better choices for their business and the environment. SmartWay Truck Stop/Plaza Partners provide places for truck drivers to rest comfortably without idling, thereby saving fuel and money, protecting their health, and supporting the environment and the energy security goals of our country.

Truck stop/plaza owners commit to promoting the SmartWay Partnership to their customers and the public through education and outreach campaigns. In addition, truck stops/plazas that have electrified parking spaces help truckers reduce their idling—a major goal for all SmartWay Carriers. By helping EPA get the word out about fuel-saving strategies, truck stop/plaza owners help their customers make smart choices for their business.

Who is Eligible to Become a SmartWay Truck Stop/Plaza Partner?

The following types of companies are eligible to be a SmartWay Truck Stop/Plaza Partner:

What's in it for Me?

By giving your customers access to smart technologies and useful information about fuel efficiency and long-duration idling reduction, you are helping them achieve their business goals. And when you help your customers, they help you by coming back again and again. SmartWay Truck Stop/Plaza Partners that provide drivers with electrified parking spaces stand to gain the most, because many of our truck partners have committed to reduce idling in their fleet. By visiting a SmartWay Truck Stop/Plaza that has electrified parking spaces, they get credit towards their own goals.

EPA supports your efforts through recognition, outreach and training materials. In addition, the public will know that you are taking steps to improve the air quality that everyone breathes. The SmartWay Transport Partner brand is awarded to qualifying truck stop/plaza owners as a visible symbol that you are providing customers with a tangible, highly-beneficial way to improve their business operations and make a difference for the environment.

Ready to Join?

Joining the Partnership is easy, and you can get started now.  Or, if you would like more information, you can call us at (734) 214-4767 or email us at smartway_transport@epa.gov.

Don't see your organization type listed here? Learn about other ways to support the goals of SmartWay.

SmartWay Transport is maintained by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).

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