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Become a Partner: Logistics Companies

What Does it Mean to Become a SmartWay Transport Logistics Partner?

Logistics companies join the SmartWay Transport Partnership to show that they are committed to promoting greater energy efficiency and air quality within the freight transport sector. As a Logistics Partner, you are assisting your carriers in making better choices for their businesses and the environment. By encouraging them to participate in the SmartWay Transport Partnership, you help them get the information and tools they need to reduce fuel consumption, save money, and make a positive impact on the environment. You are also providing a valuable service to your Shipper clients, enabling them to move more of their freight with SmartWay Transport Carrier Partners, where feasible, and improve their transportation footprint.

Logistics Partners join the SmartWay Transport Partnership for three years and commit to promote the Partnership to carriers and shippers with whom they do business. By helping get the word out about SmartWay-recommended fuel-saving strategies, Logistics Partners help their carriers and shipper clients make smart choices for their businesses and for the rest of us.

Am I Eligible to Become a Logistics Partner?

The following types of organizations are eligible to be Logistics Partners with SmartWay Transport Partnership:

What's in it for Me?

When you become a SmartWay Logistics Partner, you are providing your carriers with a tangible, highly beneficial way to improve their business operations and make a difference for the public good. You are able to give your carriers access to existing tools that will help them achieve their business goals. And EPA will support your efforts by providing outreach materials, program and technical training, and networking opportunities.

Ready to Join?

Joining the Partnership is easy, and you can get started now.  Or, if you would like more information, you can call us at (734) 214-4767 or email us at smartway_transport@epa.gov.

Don't see your organization type listed here? Learn about other ways to support the goals of SmartWay.

SmartWay Transport is maintained by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).

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