
Ranger Karen Fortier talks with visitors at a Sled Dog Demo in Denali National Park.
ParkWise (Educational Curriculum AK Parks)
AK Coastal Marine Resources Grant Program
Alaska Challenge Cost
Share Program
  Regional Science Symposium
  AK Regional Themes
  Resources for Educators
Outreach Products Catalog
Training Activities
Urban Education Activities
External Outreach Activities
Education Advisory Group
Steering Committee for Education
"The setting for environmental communication ceases to be a bunch of discrete items to be described; rather it becomes a pool of stimuli and relationships that people plunge into, there to swim to their own stroke."

-William Brown, "Islands of Hope"
Education Specialists' Forum
Regional Education
and Outreach Team

Opportune News (Winter 05)

Opportune News (Summer 04)

We define education very broadly. It means all kinds of learning opportunities including formal and informal programs, interpretation, curriculum-based programs, public outreach, exhibits, publications, the Internet, films, lifelong learning, volunteer programs and research. Our goal is for the National Park Service, working together with its partners, to be a recognized education resource providing opportunities for all people to understand, appreciate and participate in preserving our natural and cultural heritage in Alaska.



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Author: John Morris
Last modified on: May 31, 2005