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Re-opening of Japan Beef Market
With the reopening of the Japanese market, it is imperative that product is accurately certifed. This entails the collaborative efforts of industry and government. It is ultimately the exporter’s responsibility to provide accurate information with respect to the export documentation required. However, FSIS inspection officials and USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) Export Verification (EV) Managers must work together to check export certificates to assure the information on documents is accurately reflected.

Plant managers must also assure that quality system assessment (EV) program manuals are appropriately amended to reflect Japan’s new requirements prior to producing product destined for Japan. The bottom line is that Japan and other countries have indicated a very low tolerance for port-of-entry violations of their regulations.

Plant managers, exporting agents, FSIS inspection officials, and AMS managers of EV programs must work more closely than ever before to assure that product is appropriately certified, not only for Japan but for any other country requiring an EV program, prior to its departure from the United States.




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