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REGIONAL TABLES                   

        North America: Canada, Mexico, the United States.

        Latin America: Central America, the Caribbean, South America.

        EU: Austria, Belgium/Luxembourg, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

        Former Soviet Union: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan.             

        Other Europe: Albania, Azores, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Gibraltar, Iceland, Macedonia, Norway, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Switzerland, Yugoslavia.

        Middle East: Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.

        North Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia.

        Sub-Saharan Africa: all African countries except North Africa.

        South Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives.

        Southeast Asia: Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.

        East Asia:  China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Macau, Mongolia, Taiwan.

        Oceania: Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea.


Stocks:  Unless otherwise stated, stock data are based on an aggregate of differing local marketing years and should not be construed as representing world stock levels at a fixed point in time.

Consumption:  World totals for consumption reflect total utilization, including food, seed, industrial, feed, and waste; as well as differences in marketing year imports and marketing year exports. Consumption statistics for regions and individual countries, however, reflect food, seed, industrial, feed, and waste only.

EU Consolidation:  The trade figures for the EU-25 for the years 1999/00 through 2002/03 are inflated by the two-way trade between the two groups (EU-15 and acceding 10). Over the past 6 years, this “intra-trade” has averaged about 700,000 tons for wheat, 350,000 tons each for corn and barley, and 150,000 tons for rye. The trade figures also include intra-trade between members of the acceding 10.  From 2003/04 onward, all intra-trade has been removed.

Statistics:  (1) Wheat trade statistics include wheat, flour, and selected products on a grain equivalent basis.  (2) Rice trade statistics include rough, brown, milled, and broken on a milled equivalent basis.  (3) Coarse grains statistics include corn, barley, sorghum, oats, rye, millet, and mixed grains but exclude trade in barley malt, millet, and mixed grains. 

Unaccounted:  This term includes grain in transit, reporting discrepancies in some countries, and trade to countries outside the USDA database.

The Grain and Feed Division, Commodity and Marketing Programs, Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA, Washington DC 20250, prepared this circular. Information is gathered from official statistics of foreign governments and other foreign source materials, reports of U.S. agricultural attachés and Foreign Service officers, office research, and related information. Further information may be obtained by writing the Division or telephoning (202) 720-6219.

Note: The previous report in this series was the Grain: World Markets and Trade Foreign Agricultural Service Circular FG 12-06 December 2006. For further details on world grain production, see World Agricultural Production Foreign Agricultural Service Circular WAP 01-07  January 2007.

This circular is available in its entirety on the World Wide Web via the Foreign Agricultural Service Home Page. The address is: http://www.fas.usda.gov

Last modified: Thursday, January 11, 2007