,i NDTE,DO NOT USE THIS ROUTE SLIP TO DATE SHOW FORMAL CLEAltANCES OR APPROVALS 12/4/74 AGENCY BIMG. ROOM Gardell Room 11-07 [I APPROVAL 0 REVIEW 0 PER CONVERSATION 0 SIGNATURE 0 NOTE AND SEE ME 0 AS REQUESTED El COMMENT 0 NOTE AND RETURN 0 NECESSARY ACTION FOR YOUR INFORMATION b PREPARE REPLY FOR SIGNATURE OF REMARKS: (Fold here for return) ---------------------------- J. J. Ott BUILDING ROOM I 11A-55 R..,,156 ROUT;R SLIP* GPO: 1072 0 - 462-401 I- - 10 . MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE HEALTH RESOURCES ADMINISTRATION BUREAU OF HEALTH RESOURCES DEVIELOPM]ENT TO Acting Director, DW DATE: December 4, 1974 FROM Acting Chief, 094 SUBJF=: Comments on Draft Analysis of Budget Requirements Through June 30, 1976 Under V;D., P. 15, Technical Assistance Program: If there are going to be only 10 Centers for Health Planning, it would make more sense to develop them using the expertise of the EHSDS than to start 10 new ones from the 2round up. Discarding the expertise of the EHSDSs makes no sense at all. If the intent i.s to have one in each region, then these centers should be established as goverment centers to be run by civil servants with access to consultants. At least, there would be more continuity and continuing expertise available. On page 16, mentim is made of a contract with GKU -regarding the collec- tion and analysis of health service modelling efforts that can be used as tools for health planning. There is a man in BHRD by the name of Roger Cole who has already gathered this material. Dr. Charles Flagle of Johns Hopkins is the authority most mentioned on models and modelling efforts in the health field. The Bay Area CHP is mentioned as refining a population projection methodology. Already available in NCHS is a software -package developed at Research Triangle called POPSIM, which is a computer-based popula- tion simlator. On page 17, regarding the Nationll Center for HealthPlanning Informa- tion, it is my experience that systems built upon interactive retrieval by key words and phrases have serious deficiencies in that it is difficult to retrieve more than one third of the citations in a file dealing with a specific subject. The -reasons a-re many why this happens, but it does. I mentioned this to Cal Meadows, who is the project officer on this contract and suggested that the taxonomy development include a nmerical or alphabetical classification scheme whic@ would allow one to do a more thorough selection with one search. On page 19, under "Continuation Strategy," it is mentioned that no centers would be required. The CHRPI would be functioning already according to the contract let to Aspen Systems. This means that CHP/RNP/DFU personnel would have to be trained in the use of this Center. it also seems to me that the expertise of the @DS would be wasted by allowing the funding to lapse for these centers. Some arrangements should be made to continue funding for the best of these. Jos J. tt