Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Knowledge and skill possessed by dental surgeons to identify oral lesions associated with HIV/AIDS.
Knowledge and skills among young people, a global assessment.
Knowledge and sources of information on HIV/AIDS among radio listeners of a health-oriented radio program.
Knowledge and strengthening prevention strategies for adolescents through peer education.
Knowledge and use of safe sex practices among men having sex with men in the Czech Republic.
Knowledge and willingness to participate in HIV vaccine trials in a young, racially diverse population in Atlanta.
Knowledge assessment of Bangladeshi police force regarding HIV/AIDS.
Knowledge attitude & sexual practices of construction workers (cw) in Ahmedabad city.
Knowledge attitude survey of rural adolescents.
Knowledge attitudes and behavior (KAB): HIV infection among dental students.
Knowledge attitudes and behaviour of college students in Zambia.
Knowledge attitudes and practices of Moroccan medical residents towards HIV infection.
Knowledge attitudes and practices of Moroccan medical residents towards HIV infection.
Knowledge brokering: a business model.
Knowledge concerning HIV/AIDS among general population in Thailand.
Knowledge diffusion and the personalisation of risk as key indicators of behaviour change in Uganda compared to Southern Africa.
Knowledge Dissemination in a System of Care: Moving from policy to the front line.
Knowledge for action: the role of North/South information networks in enabling empowerment.
Knowledge gap about HIV/AIDS: An examination among married female youth in Tamil Nadu State of India.
Knowledge gap: what Medicaid beneficiaries understand--and what they don't--about managed care.
Knowledge level of officers implementing AIDS programme in Maharashtra.
Knowledge management and health technology assessment: two interlinked disciplines for bridging the know-do gap in health.
Knowledge Management, Knowledge Creation, and Quality Improvement in a Large Health Care System: An Exploratory Field Study.
Knowledge management: a potent tool for optimizing efforts.
Knowledge of ACTG 076 increases willingness to take AZT during pregnancy.
Knowledge of AIDS among secondary school pupils in Bagamoyo and Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania.
Knowledge of AIDS and attitudes towards HIV-infected coworkers in the workplace.
Knowledge of AIDS and barriers to protection for inner city African American women.
Knowledge of AIDS and risky sexual practices of adolescent female hawkers in bus and truck stations in Ibadan, Nigeria.