Title for MeetingAbstracts
Alphabetical listing of titles
Knowledge and behavior related to AIDS: a study of 3500 Zairian health workers.
Knowledge and behavior towards HIV infection and its prevalence among female sex workers in Yucatan, Mexico.
Knowledge and behaviour of clients of sex-workers in Kathmandu.
Knowledge And Behaviour of Long Distance Truck Drivers (LDTD) on HIV/STDs in Bangladesh.
Knowledge and beliefs about AIDS among high school students in two health zones in the Ubangi area of Zaire.
Knowledge and beliefs of adolescents regarding HIV/AIDS in a rural district Mirpurkhas, Sindh, Pakistan.
Knowledge and commitment for action in HIV/AIDS prevention in prisons of Gujarat, India.
Knowledge and commitments for actions.
Knowledge and compliance with universal precaution among doctors in a tertiary hospital.
Knowledge and feelings - commitment with life.
Knowledge and misconceptions about AIDS among Brazilian students.
Knowledge and motivations for participation in HIV vaccines trials: preliminary results from a Brazilian cohort of men who have sex with men.
Knowledge and needs of the immigrant women in Spain, regarding HIV/Aids and the maternal to child transmission.
Knowledge and patterns of condom use among commercial sex workers in Kampala City.
Knowledge and perceived risk of AIDS among the adult population of Kinshasa, Zaire.
Knowledge and perception of risk regarding sexually transmitted diseases in Peruvian women.
Knowledge and perception of the HIV infection among the staff of a north Vietnam hospital.
Knowledge and perceptions about HIV transmission and condom use among female adolescents in Brazil.
Knowledge and perceptions of antenatal women towards prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV.
Knowledge and perceptions of attitudes and sexual risk behaviors among rural residents in Zimbabwe and their implications for interventions.
Knowledge and perceptions of Ghanaian traditional birth attendants (TBAs) on AIDS.
Knowledge and practice in the way of transmission and prevention of HIV among Brazilian pre-university students.
Knowledge and practice of abstinence among out of school youth in Kenya.
Knowledge and practice of risk behavior among motorcycle drivers in Songkhla urban area, Thailand.
Knowledge and prejudices about AIDS/HIV-infection in young Esperanto-speakers.
Knowledge and risk behaviors of female street children in Ghana.
Knowledge and safe sex practice among heterosexual tertiary students as an outcome of sociocultural change.
Knowledge and seroprevalence of hepatitis B and C among injectable drug users with HIV/AIDS in the the municipality of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Knowledge and sexual practice among secondary school youth in Thyolo District, Southern Malawi.
Knowledge and sexual practices of University students in Windhoek, Namibia An initial assessment as part of an awareness campaign during the registration period.