
Reference Information Paper 90

A Finding Aid to Records Relating to American Prisoners of War and Missing in Action from the Vietnam War Era, 1960-1994

Table of Contents

Appendix I: List of Folder Titles of Historian's Background Files, United States Delegation, Four Party Joint Military Commission

[For more information about the records described in Appendix I, contact the Textual Archives Services Division, National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740. Telephone: 301-837-3510 Email: Contact NARA]

Box 1
  • Microfilm Indices/Reports and Correspondence
  • Interpretation of the Vietnam Peace Agreement
  • Agreement on the Cessation of Hostilities in Vietnam, 1954
  • News Conference/Dr. H.A. Kissinger, October 26, 1972
  • Military Armistice in Korea, 1953
  • Review of Final Agreements and Protocols
  • Southeast Asia Political Assessments
  • Prisoners of War
  • Four Party Commission Protocol
  • Proposed Statements Re: Withdrawal of U.S. Forces
  • ICCS Papers
  • U.S. Delegation Joint Table of Distribution
  • Regional Control Group Table of Distribution
  • Contingency Support Requirements
  • Regional Control Group MRIII
  • Functions Statements
  • Paris Meeting/Press Briefing, November 1972
  • FPJMC Working Procedures
  • MACV Special Study Group/FPJMC Personnel
  • Costs Incurred by FPJMC
  • Correspondence with South Vietnamese Delegation
  • Correspondence with North Vietnamese Delegation
  • Correspondence with Viet Cong Delegation

    Box 2
  • Chronology of VC Conflict
  • Working Notes and Memos
  • Photo Documentation for Historical Purposes
  • Mission Weekly Reports/Vietnam Highlights
  • Office Correspondence
  • Staffing Drafts
  • After Action Report First Drafts
  • After Action Report Second and Third Drafts
  • Ceasefire/Political Struggle in South Vietnam

    Box 3
  • Ceasefire/Political Struggle in South Vietnam
  • Ceasefire/Situation in Vietnam, before and at beginning
  • Paris Press Conference
  • Paris Negotiations/Plenary Sessions
  • Reactions to Agreements/South Vietnam
  • Reactions to Agreements/DRV and PRG
  • Reactions to Agreements/International

    Box 4
  • Saigon Press and Radio Treatment of Ceasefire
  • Press Incidents
  • Two Party Joint Military Commission
  • ICCS Activities
  • Interview with General Weyand
  • Interview with Major General Woodward
  • Interview with Colonel Balzer
  • Interview with Major Miles
  • Interview Questions for Ambassador Bunker

    Box 5
  • Delegation Arrivals
  • Arrival of Delegations/Saigon-Hanoi Flights
  • Demonstrations Against FPJMC
  • Joint Appeal
  • Organization Manning Rosters
  • FPJMC Personnel
  • DRV/PRG Demands
  • Logistical Support/ICCS and FPJMC

    Box 6
  • Logistical Support/ICCS and FPJMC
  • First Phase Summary
  • Region One Report
  • Correspondence to and from General Woodward
  • References
  • Personnel Deployment

    Box 7
  • Personnel Status
  • Operation Countdown
  • FPJMC Meeting Schedule
  • Press Officers
  • Ceasefire Violations
  • Significant Activities
  • Items to Discuss
  • Operational Procedures Subcommission
  • Ad Hoc Committee on PRG Movement
  • Prisoner of War Subcommission

    Box 8
  • Military Affairs Subcommission
  • Cables
  • Prisoner of War Returns
  • Miscellaneous Information Re: Delegations
  • Chief's Assessment (45 day evaluation)
  • After Action Report Interim
  • CINCPAC Talker
  • Ceasefire and Redeployment
  • Spot Reports
  • JMC Delegates
  • Guidance to Regions
  • Residue of Chief's Book

    Box 9
  • Mine Clearing
  • Problem Area Messages
  • U.S. Regional Delegations
  • Messages/Meetings
  • Significant Correspondence
  • Press Clippings
  • Red Cross
  • International Conference

    Box 10
  • Press Clippings

    Box 11
  • Prisoners of War/RVN Held by PRG/DRV
  • Prisoners of War/RPG/DRV Held by RVN
  • Prisoners of War/US Held by PRG/DVR

    Box 12
  • Prisoners of War/US Held by PRG/DVR
  • Prisoners of War/Missing in Action
  • Miscellaneous Maps and Charts
  • Interview with Maj. Paul Miles
  • Major Dillard Miscellaneous File
  • Saigon Papers
  • Briefing USDEL/Organization and Manning
  • Ceasefire Violations/ICCS
  • Ceasefire Violations/Miscellaneous
  • Points of Agreement

    Box 13
  • Ceasefire Violations/FPJMC
  • Operational Procedures Subcommission

    Box 14
  • Operational Procedures Subcommission
  • Fact Book/General Weyand
  • Fact Book/Colonel O'Connor
  • Fact Book/Ambassador Bunker
  • Agreements/Protocol
  • Points of Agreement

    Box 15
  • Original Roster of Prisoners of War Provided FPJMC by DRV Delegate
  • Capt. Robert White, Last Prisoner of War to be Released by DRV/PRG
  • Release of Phase IV U.S. Prisoners of War and Foreign Civilians
  • Operational Procedures Subcommission
  • Copies of Final Drafts of the Paris Agreement
  • FPJMC U.S. Personnel
  • JCS Message/Redeployment
  • Serious Violations of Ceasefire by ARVN
  • Statement of Lt. Gen. Tran Van Tra, March 30, 1973
  • Order of Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, May 1, 1973
  • DRV Delegation Deployment Plan
  • US Delegation Deployment Plan
  • Joint Military Commission Protocol Draft
  • Memorandum of Agreement, January 26, 1973
  • Statement of Brig. Gen. Le Quang Hoa, March 31, 1973
  • Draft Joint Communique, May 25, 1973
  • Memorandum on Ceasefire Planning, January 2, 1973
  • Enemy Prisoners of War Who May Refuse Repatriation
  • Prisoner of War Agreements
  • Basic Research on the Exchange or Release of Prisoners of War
  • NVA and Regroupee Prisoners of War Living in New Life Compounds
  • USAF Detailed Airlift Summary for Support FPJMC
  • Rules of Engagement
  • Basic Policies of the United States Concerning Enemy PW in RVN

    Box 16
  • Photographs/Prisoner of War Release
  • Photographs/SAM Sites/Khe Sanh Valley
  • RAND Study: Advantages and Risks of a Cease-Fire
  • First Week Activities
  • Press Conference/Draft and final Agreements
  • Treaties and Protocols/Press Conference
  • Early Planning
  • JMC Deployment
  • After Action Report/Initial Input to FPJMC
  • Rank and Insignia
  • Reporting Procedures
  • Untranslated Documents
  • JMC Redeployment
  • RVN/PRG/DRV Relations
  • US/RVN Relations
  • FPJMC Establishment
  • Miscellany/Ceasefire

    Box 17
  • Operation Planning/Operation Homecoming
  • Central FPJMC Meetings
  • Ceasefire Incident Reports
  • Draft Joint Communique
  • Prisoner of War Reports/Returnee Reports
  • Summaries of Liaison Activities
  • Summary of Unclassified Information of Interest to DRV Delegation
  • Miscellaneous Documents

    Note: Compiled by Charles E. Schamel. Published by the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC, 1996.

    Web version prepared 1999. Additions and changes incorporated in the Web version are between brackets [] and in italics.

  • The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
    8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 • Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272