
Reference Information Paper 90

A Finding Aid to Records Relating to American Prisoners of War and Missing in Action from the Vietnam War Era, 1960-1994

Table of Contents

Appendix L: Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs - Audio Recordings

[For more information about the records described in Appendix L, contact the Center for Legislative Archives, National Archives and Records Administration, 7th and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20408. Telephone: 202-357-5350]

Audio Tapes of Deposition or Interview
  • Aug, 7, 1992 Richard L. Armitage (Item 1)
  • Aug,. 5, 1992 Sen. Howard Baker (Item 2)
  • June 15, 1992 Jack Bailey (Item 3)
  • April 28, 1992 Somboon Boontor (Item 4)
  • Nov. 5, 1992 Zbigniew Brzezinski (Item 5)
  • Oct. 26, 1992 Dennis J. Buckner (Item 6)
  • Oct. 28, 1992 Linda H. Canada (Item 7)
  • Aug. 6, 1992 James M. Cannon (Item 8)
  • Mar. 28, 1992 Gov. Clements (Item 9)
  • Nov. 19, 1992 Irving I. Davidson (Item 10)
  • Jul. 30, 1992 Michael K. Deaver (Item 11)
  • Oct. 8, 1992 Robert G. Dussault (Item 12)
  • Oct. 20, 1992 Brice W. Eberle (Item 13)
  • Oct. 13, 1992 Allen E. Erickson (Item 14)
  • Oct. 21, 1992 Larry M. Feldman (Item 16)
  • Nov. 23, 1992 John A.C. Fellows (Item 17)
  • Nov. 23, 1992 Fellows and James Turner (Item 18)
  • Oct. 28, 1992 John M. Fisher (Item 19)
  • Oct. 13, 1992 William R. Gadoury (Item 20)
  • Nov. 10, 1992 Alisa K. Getzinger (Item 21)
  • Apr. 15, 1992 Judy Gin (Item 22)
  • Aug. 12, 1992 Amb. George M. Godley (Item 23)
  • Nov. 16, 1992 Daniel W. Gray (Item 24)
  • Oct. 6, 1992 Ann Mills Griffith (Item 25)
  • Nov. 23, 1992 James "Bo" Gritz (Item 26)
  • Oct. 29, 1992 David E. Hendrix (Item 27)
  • July 6, 1992 Trung Hieu (Item 28)
  • May 13, 1992 Lt. Gen. James D. Hughes (Item 29)
  • May 31, 1992 Amb. Isham (Item 30)
  • Aug. 3, 1992 Sally Ann Johnson (Item 32)
  • Nov. 9, 1992 Ivan D. Kalister (Item 33)
  • June 26, 1992 Le Quang Khai (Item 34)
  • Nov. 30, 1992 Kimble Gaines (Item 35)
  • Nov. 6, 1992 Ronald K. Martin (Item 36)
  • July 27, 1992 Oliver Matthews II (Item 37)
  • Dec. 7, 1992 Sen. Eugene McCarthy (Item 38)
  • Nov. 16, 1992 Darlene D. McFall (Item 39)
  • Nov. 16, 1992 Mike J. McFall (Item 40)
  • Nov. 2, 1992 William T. McGarry (Item 41)
  • Aug. 13, 1992 Edwin Meese III (Item 42)
  • Oct. 7, 1992 Karen S.K. Miller (Item 43)
  • Nov. 24, 1992 Mullin (Item 44)
  • Oct. 21, 1992 James A. Mac Donald (Item 45)
  • Nov. 23, 1992 Capt. Benjamin R. Ogburn (Item 46)
  • Nov. 9, 1992 Serban I. Oprica (Item 47)
  • 1992 Side 1: "Park" (an unnamed Asian); Side 2: Maj. Mark Smith (Item 48)
  • July 1, 1992 H. Ross Perot (Item 49)
  • Nov. 10, 1992 Steven Pittendrigh (Item 50)
  • July 16, 1992 Gen. Colin Powell (Item 51)
  • 1992 Mark S. Pratt (Item 52)
  • Oct. 27, 1992 Marilyn J. Price (Item 53)
  • Oct. 29, 1992 John M. Robinson (Item 54)
  • Aug. 24, 1992 Sec. William P. Rogers (Item 55)
  • Oct. 27, 1992 James D. Rosenthal (Item 56)
  • Oct. 13, 1992 Roger Rumpf (Item 57)
  • Oct. 28, 1992 Joseph Salta (Item 58)
  • April 21, 1992 Kung Savety (Item 59)
  • Oct. 26, 1992 Charles Shelton (Item 60)
  • Nov. 5, 1992 Patricia A. Sheridan (Item 61)
  • April 22, 1992 Lt. Col. Al Shinkle (Item 62)
  • Nov. 4, 1992 Khambang Sibounhevang (Item 63)
  • May 1, 1992 Maj. Mark Smith and "Memos to File" (Item 64)
  • Nov. 10, 1992 Curtis Stern (Item 65)
  • Dec. 2, 1992 Adm. James D. Stockdale, Jr. (Item 66)
  • Nov. 12, 1992 Charley G. Taylor (Item 67)
  • June 26, 1992 Barry A. Tull (Note: tape 2 has no sound) (Item 68)
  • Nov. 30, 1992 Larry E. Ward (Item 69)
Other Audio Tapes
  • Dec. 4, 1992 Public Hearings: Testimony of POW Families (Item 15)
  • 1992 Dictated letter to daughter of Cmdr. Walter Jacobson (Item 31)
  • 1992 "Memos to File" by staff member (Item 70)
  • 1992 Dictated letter to "Bailey" by staff member (Item 71)
  • 1992 "Memo to File - Bailey" by staff member (Item 72)
  • 1992 Dictation by staff (Item 73)
  • 1992 Dictation by staff (Item 74)

Note: Compiled by Charles E. Schamel. Published by the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC, 1996.

Web version prepared 1999. Additions and changes incorporated in the Web version are between brackets [] and in italics.

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