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Export Requirements for South Africa

SF-39 (Jun 6, 2006)

Note: Asterisks (*) indicate the most recent revision to these requirements. To search, click on your browser's "Edit" menu, then click on "Find (on this page)". Enter "*" in the "Find What" field, then click "Find" or "Find Next" until all asterisks have been identified.

Eligible/Ineligible Products
  1. Eligible
    1. Fresh/frozen pork
    2. Further processed pork products
    3. Fully cooked poultry products
    4. Hog casings
    5. Horsemeat, fresh/frozen and processed
    6. Raw poultry
    7. Poultry offal products, if certified fit for human consumption: giblet packs (gizzard, heart, and liver) and necks; and chicken feet (must be cleaned, scaled, and bear the mark of inspection)
  2. Ineligible
    1. Poultry trimmings, mince, mechanically recovered poultry meat and other anatomically unrecognizable cuts.
    2. Ruminant meat and meat products
    3. Meat originating from a third country or meat from animals that were not born and raised in the United States, Canada or Mexico. Meat and poultry treated with ionizing irradiation is prohibited from entering RSA Horsemeat in anatomically unrecognizable forms (i.e., trimmings, minced, or Mechanically Recovered Meat).
    4. Fresh/frozen pork and pork meat products derived from animals originating in the State of New Mexico.

Documentation Requirements
  1. Fresh Pork (frozen/chilled)
    1. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5 (5-6-99)--Export Certificate of Wholesomeness.
    2. Obtain FSIS Form 9440-8 (04/04/2000)- Animal Health Certificate for Frozen/chilled Fresh Pork to the Republic of South Africa.
    3. Pork must be held in frozen storage at or below minus 25° C (minus 13° F) for a minimum of 20 days in order to be eligible for export into South Africa.
  2. Heat Treated Meat Products
    1. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5 (5-6-99)--Export Certificate of Wholesomness.
    2. Obtain FSIS Form 9440-5 (04/11/00) - Animal Health Certificate for Heat Treated Products to the Republic of South Africa
  3. Fresh Poultry (frozen/chilled)
    1. Obtain FSIS form 9060-5 (5-6-99) - Export Certificate of Wholesomeness.
    2. Obtain FSIS form 9440-1 (04/14/2005). The flight number or name of the ship must be entered on this form.

    Note: South Africa conducts random tests for Salmonella on imported poultry. Positive findings, particularly of Salmonella enteritidis, may result in rejection of product.
  4. Heat Treated Poultry Products
    1. Obtain FSIS Form 9060-5 (5-6-99) --Export Certificate of Wholesomness.
    2. Obtain FSIS Form 9440-5 (04/11/00) - Animal Health Certificate for Heat Treated Products to the Republic of South Africa.
  5. Casings
    1. Obtain FSIS form 9060-7 (7/87)--Animal Casings Export Certificate for Countries Requiring Ante-mortem, Post-mortem, and Fit-for-Human-Food Statements or FSIS Form 9060-17 - Animal Casings Export Certificate for Countries Requiring Ante-mortem, Post-mortem, and Fit for Human Consumption Statements (For Casings Processed in Mexico).
    2. Hog Casings - Obtain FSIS Form 9440-4 (04/04/2000) Veterinary Health Certificate for Hog Casings to the Republic of South Africa.
  6. Horsemeat
    1. Obtain FSIS form 9060-10 (7/90) (wholesomeness certificate for horsemeat).
    2. Obtain FSIS Form 9440-2 (04/04/2000), Veterinary Health and Meat Inspection Certificate for Horsemeat.
  7. Special Permit/License
    1. Each consignment must be accompanied by an import permit issued by the Director, Veterinary Services, Republic of South Africa. The importer is responsible for obtaining the import permit.
    2. Samples - A special permit may be issued by RSA veterinary authorities for samples. Importers must arrange in advance for a veterinary permit which may differ from permits issued for commercial purposes but exporters are advised to make sure requirements are followed. A veterinary certificate may still be required. Contact in RSA is Dr. M. Bronkhorst 012 319 7444, e-mail

Inedible Product for Animal Food

Export certification of inedible products, other than technical animal fat (9 CFR 351) and certified pet food (9 CFR 355), is no longer provided by FSIS. Exporters should contact APHIS field offices to obtain information about certification of inedible products. A list of APHIS offices is available at*

Other Requirements
  1. Packaging
    1. Bone-in frozen red meat carcasses or quarters should be wrapped in such a way that the meat is totally covered. All other meat should be packed in cartons.
    2. Poultry (and their meat cuts) must be individually wrapped and/or the cartons must be lined with polyethylene film. This film must cover the product completely to avoid contamination.
    3. The packaging material used must be hygienic, must not alter the organoleptic characteristics of the meat, and must be strong enough to protect the meat during handling, transportation, and storage.
    4. Only meat derived from the same animal species can be packed in an individual carton. Cartons must be securely strapped and must not be overfilled.
    5. Packaging material can be reused provided it is made of non-toxic, corrosion-resistant materials that can be cleaned and sterilized.
    6. Waxed cartons are acceptable.
  2. Shipping: The Department of Agriculture of the RSA prohibits the importation of meat in breakbulk format; only cartoned meat in sealed, self-cooling containers will be accepted into the Republic of South Africa.

Plants Eligible to Export
  1. Plant Eligibility
    1. Red meat and poultry slaughter and cut-up plants which desire to apply for approval to export to the Republic of South Africa (RSA) must comply with the RSA requirements. These plants are recommended by FSIS Office of International Affairs for approval by the Director, Veterinary Services, RSA to export meat and poultry products to RSA.
    2. Hog casings must be derived from animals slaughtered in FSIS-inspected plants which have been approved by the RSA. Casing processing plants, which are not slaughter plants, need not be prior approved by South Africa if they are Federally inspected plants.
  2. To request approval for export to South Africa:
    1. Submit a completed FSIS Form 9080-3 (05/10/2000) indicating the establishment's intent to export to South Africa to the FSIS Office of International Affairs, Import-Export Programs Staff, Phone (202) 720-0082, Fax (202) 720-7990.
    2. FSIS will recommend the plant for approval to export to the Republic of South Africa.
    3. The Director of Veterinary Services, RSA will grant final or provisional approval. All approved plants will be subject to review by a representative of the RSA, at their discretion.
  3. The RSA list for approved meat and poultry slaughter and cut-up establishments is updated periodically and is available through the Export Requirements Library.
  4. The RSA does not require approval of processing plants or cold storage facilities. Raw materials used in further processed products can originate from any Federally inspected establishment.

SF-39 (Jun 6, 2006)
United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service