United States Department of Agriculture
United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service
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New Employee Orientation Program
New Employee Checklist
A positive orientation program will provide you with a solid foundation for success within the Food Safety and Inspection Service. The checklist below is designed to help ensure that your questions or concerns are addressed in reference to benefits and services, policies and procedures, job functions, and your role and responsibilities within the organization. As you receive orientation information, check off the items listed below. If any items could be answered "No" and are applicable to you or your position, or "Need more information," please bring these items to the attention of your supervisor.

  • Questionnaire for Non-Sensitive Position (SF-85) has been submitted
  • Fingerprint Chart (SF-87) has been submitted
  • Life insurance form (SF-2817) has been submitted
  • Health insurance form (SF-2809) has been submitted
  • Thrift Savings election form has been submitted
  • Designation of Beneficiary form(s) have been submitted
  • I know what benefits/services are available for me and how/when to enroll
  • I have received a Federal employee photo identification/badge
  • I have met my supervisor/managers
  • I have met my co-workers and others with whom I will interact frequently
  • I have toured my work area
  • I have located facilities that I may need (cafeteria, restroom, parking, etc.)
  • I have received a key or access to my work area
  • I understand the communication system within my department
  • An email account has been assigned to me
  • I can explain my job responsibilities
  • Performance standards have been explained and are clear to me
  • Policies and procedures have been explained
  • I can explain the terms and conditions of my employment
  • I have been given documentation relevant to my job
  • I understand how my job fits with other jobs in my department
  • I can describe the products/services we provide
  • I can explain who our customers are
  • I know where to get supplies and equipment
  • I know who to ask for help
  • I know what to do in an emergency
  • I know what skills are needed to advance
  • I am aware of training opportunities

Last Modified: December 14, 2005



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