Rep. Henry Waxman - 29th District of California

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2204 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-3976 (phone)
(202) 225-4099 (fax)

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8436 West Third Street, Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(323) 651-1040 (phone)
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Issues and Legislation

Other Issues - Education and Labor


California Analysis of Bush Administration's K-12 Education Funding Cuts
Fact Sheet on President's FY 2007 Education Budget

Rep. Waxman meets with
student groups at UCLA
Higher Education
On November 2, 2005, Rep. Waxman and more than 200 of his colleagues sent a letter opposing the inclusion of billions of dollars in cuts in the Budget Reconciliation bill. These cuts will raise student loan fees, impose new fees, and increase interest costs on student loans.  Unfortunately, despite their efforts, the final version that was enacted into law will cut student aid by $12.7 billion over five years; financial aid accounts for roughly one-third of the total budget cuts in this misguided legislation.

Head Start Program
Launched in 1965 as part of President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty, Head Start is widely recognized as one of the most successful social programs in our nation’s history. Head Start builds children’s social and academic skills, and provides nutrition, medical and dental care to prepare children for success in school. The program currently serves more than 900,000 children from birth to age 5, including nearly 100,000 in California. Legislation supported by the Bush Administration and Republicans in Congress threatens the future of this invaluable program. President Bush’s Fiscal Year 2007 budget proposal includes cuts that would decrease enrollment in Head Start by more than 19,000. Over 2,000 children in California would be forced out of Head Start.

April 1, 2005
Head Start Should be Fully Funded and Without Conversion to a Block Grant
Rep. Waxman and his colleagues urge House appropriators to approve the highest possible funding level for the Head Start program in Fiscal Year 2006 and express their concerns about the Bush Administration’s proposal to convert the program to a state-administered block grant.

July 23 , 2003
Republican Plans Put Head Start at Risk; Program Serves 33,000 Children in LA Area
A 2003 report prepared for Reps. Waxman, Becerra, Sanchez, and other members from Los Angeles examines the proposed overhaul of Head Start and its impact in Los Angeles. Head Start provides early education, health care and other services to over 33,000 children in Los Angeles. Proposals by the Bush Administration and Republican leaders in the House could turn the program into a state block grant and place these services at risk.

June 1, 2003
Proposed Head Start Overhaul Jeopardizes Progress in Dental Care for Low-Income Children
A report released by Rep. Waxman finds that the Administration’s proposed changes to Head Start would worsen existing problems in access to dental care for low-income children in the program.

Title IX

June 22, 2005
Rep. Waxman and his colleagues ask President Bush to rescind a Department of Education “Clarification” that would undermine Title IX.


January 11, 2006
Rep. Waxman asks the Labor Secretary Chao to reverse the Mine Safety and Health Administration's 2004 decision to exclude mine safety inspectors' notes in Freedom of Information Act responses. The agency's secrecy policy limited disclosure about hundreds of safety violations at the Sago mine for years before the recent disaster.

November 2, 2005
Rep. Waxman and his colleagues urge the National Labor Relations Board to support the rights of jockeys, exercise riders, or any employees of the horse and dog racing industries to petition for protection under the National Labor Relations Act.

February 9, 2004
Rep. Waxman and his Los Angeles colleagues urge supermarket executives to work to end the strike and lockout of 70,000 Southern California grocery workers.

October 3, 2003
The Bush Administration has proposed new regulations that would deny overtime pay to millions of workers who are currently eligible for it. The Senate version of the Labor-HHS Appropriations bill includes the Harkin amendment, which would block this rule change. As a member of the Labor and Working Families Caucus, Rep. Waxman joined his colleagues in sending this letter to the bill's conferees in support of the Harkin amendment.