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Congresswoman Lucile Roybal-Allard, Representing California's 34th District
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May 1, 2008
CONTACT: Miguel Ayala
Hispanic Caucus Stands with Immigration Marchers

(Washington D.C.)-Today, as many people take to the streets and celebrate their freedom of speech and love of our nation, Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) made the following statements in support.

“As everyone marches today in call for fair treatment of immigrants in our nation, we want them to know that the Members of the CHC are working hard, on their behalf, to see a just and sensible solution to this immigration crisis,” said Congressman Joe Baca (CA-43), Chair of the CHC.  “Families are being torn apart, and hate crimes are on the rise.  We cannot let this continue, and we cannot ignore the loud cries for action happening today.”

"Today, thousands of people, from New York to Miami to Chicago to Los Angeles, march not just for immigrants' rights, but for human rights, and for the dream that this country was founded on," said Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez (IL-4), Chair of the CHC Immigration Task Force. "As they march arm in arm -- waving American flags -- we witness a powerful statement about the need for fair, comprehensive, meaningful immigration reform. Today's marches remind us that Congress simply cannot afford to waste more time on piecemeal solutions for what is quite literally a life and death situation."

“I commend the community for their perseverance and commitment to advocating for just immigration reform, despite the obstacles and scapegoating against the community,” added Congressman Raúl Grijalva (AZ-7), the 1st Vice Chair of CHC.

“We should continue to develop a pathway to legalization so undocumented workers can come out of the shadows and continue to contribute to the economy,” added Congresswoman Grace Napolitano (CA-38), Whip of the CHC.

Congressman Solomon Ortiz (TX-27) said, “In my hometown of Corpus Christi, Texas, our local leaders proclaimed May 1 as Immigrant Day to recognize their numerous contributions to our nation’s culture and economy. Immigrants have donned the uniforms of the Armed Services and served as defenders of our country and our freedom. Almost all citizens of our country are immigrants or the descendants of immigrants, with each new generation reinvigorating the values and work ethic that has made America great.”

“Comprehensive immigration reform is in the best interest of all Americans,” Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-34) said. “The Congressional Hispanic Caucus will continue working to pass comprehensive immigration legislation that is fair and reflects the core values of our country.”

“Today’s protests continue to illustrate the need for comprehensive immigration reform.  We can no longer ignore these cries, and we can no longer stand by while immigrant communities are increasingly pushed into hiding,” added Congressman Albio Sires (NJ-13).  “We must develop a pathway to legalize undocumented immigrants and fully incorporate them into our society.”

As people across the country gather to demonstrate their support for comprehensive immigration reform and call for an end to hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric that is affecting many Latinos--not just immigrants--the CHC continues to emphasize the importance of a real, comprehensive solution to our nation’s immigration crisis.

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Congresswoman Roybal-Allard
Washington, D.C., Office: 2330 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515. Phone: (202) 225-1766. Fax: (202) 226-0350.
District Office: 255 E. Temple St., Ste. 1860, Los Angeles, CA 90012-3334. Phone: (213) 628-9230. Fax: (213) 628-8578.