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Congresswoman Lucile Roybal-Allard, Representing California's 34th District
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January 28, 2008
CONTACT: Miguel Ayala
Hispanic Caucus Responds to State of the Union

(Washington D.C.)- The Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) responded to President Bush’s State of the Union today.

“The State of the Union is an opportunity for the CHC and all Americans to consider where we are as a country, where we want to go, and how to best get there,” said Congressman Joe Baca, Chair of the CHC.  “It is important to share our priorities which not only affect Hispanics, but our nation on the whole.   The President had an opportunity to make his priorities clear for his final year in office in his last State of the Union, but failed to highlight those issues important to the Hispanic community.”

Congressman Baca, who is also Chair of the House Subcommittee on Department Operations, Oversight, Nutrition, and Forestry, added that “With 38 million Americans currently not having enough to eat, the nutrition of our children and families must be a top priority in 2008.  Last year, I was proud to lead the effort to increase much-needed federal nutrition benefits for 13 million American families in the House of Representatives.  The President must sign a Farm Bill into law that includes the critical food assistance programs we have worked to strengthen.” 

“With more than two million foreclosures predicted over the next two years, the mortgage crisis is far from over.  The CHC will remain focused on the nation’s efforts to help those who might lose their home, ensuring that the unique needs of Hispanic borrowers are addressed by policymakers,” said Congressman Albio Sires, Chair of the CHC’s Economic Development Task Force.  “The American dream of owning a home is being shattered by the current crisis, as current homeowners are losing their homes at alarming rates.”

“The effects of the mortgage crisis and the looming recession can be felt in all sectors of our economy.  That includes the nation’s 26 million small businesses, which employ almost half of the U.S. workforce,” added Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez, a member of the CHC and Chairwoman of the House’s Committee on Small Business.  “This economic stimulus package is a step in the right direction, and I look forward to the continued efforts of this Congress on behalf of American families and small business owners.”

Congresswoman Grace Napolitano, Whip of the CHC said, “Residents in our Latino communities are hurting from the housing crisis.  We need the administration to act.  The result of inaction drastically hurts families, communities, and the country.”

On the issue of immigration, Congressman Luis Gutierrez, Chair of the CHC’s Immigration Task Force stated, "I urge the President to re-engage Congress in one of his own stated priorities: to address our nation's deepening immigration crisis. Current, longstanding policies have failed to secure our borders, bring undocumented workers into the mainstream economy and under the rule of law, unify families or meet critical gaps in our high and low-skilled workforce. It is incumbent upon the President to urge Republicans in Congress to put aside hateful rhetoric and to work in a bipartisan fashion that moves forward a solution to secure our borders, our economy and our workforce."

“1.4 million people are waiting more then 18 months to process their citizenship applications, way beyond the administration’s previously stated commitment to no more then 6 months,” said Congressman Raul Grijalva, 1st Vice Chair of the CHC.  “With the increased fees for these applications, it is unacceptable that these individuals have to wait in limbo that long.”
“As expected, President Bush once again voiced his commitment to renewing No Child Left Behind,” said Congressman Ruben Hinojosa, Chair of the CHC’s Education Task Force.  “We hope that this time around the President will actually demonstrate his commitment with increased funding and policy improvements that ensure Hispanic students and English language learners are not continually left behind.”

The CHC also called on the President to endorse the Graduation Promise Act (H.R. 2928), which combats America’s high school dropout crisis, and the Next Generation Hispanic-Serving Institutions Act (H.R. 451), which would establish a graduate program at HSIs, and request funding be included his budget for that program.

“We must increase access to affordable health care for all, including children and vulnerable populations,” said Congresswoman Hilda Solis, Chair of the CHC’s Task Force on Health and the Environment.  “The President should also join us in cleaning the environment that also has a direct impact on the health of our children. Over fifty percent of the 39 million people living in poverty reside in urban settings, a large percentage of which are minorities.”

“Communities of color continue to suffer from a disparity in health care in this nation.  It is urgent that we address this issue.  We must emphasize the importance of prevention, especially since Hispanics are disproportionately affected by chronic diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, diabetes and heart disease,” added Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard, a member of the CHC and member of the House Appropriations Committee.  “Underfunding of the block grants that fund research into these diseases must be addressed.”

“The CHC stands committed to ensuring that as the 2010 census approaches, the Census Bureau has the resources necessary to accurately count the Hispanic population in the US,” said Congressman Charlie Gonzalez, 2nd Vice Chair of the CHC, and Chair of the CHC’s Task Force on Civil Rights. “An accurate census benefits all Americans but particularly communities with large minority populations.  These communities are historically undercounted and suffer the consequences of not being properly considered when both the government and private sector make important decisions affecting people in these areas. And while 2010 is still two years away, the reality is that the quality of the census is dependent on what we do today."

“We hope that the President will build on Congress’ success in increasing funding and benefits for the care of our nation’s veterans,” said Congressman Ciro Rodriguez, Chair of the CHC’s Veterans Task Force.  “Much remains to be done, particularly in the areas of mental health care, addressing the quality of care, and relieving the backlog for the processing benefits applications, and we hope the President will join us in prioritizing care for our veterans so we can keep our nation’s promise to them.”

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Congresswoman Roybal-Allard
Washington, D.C., Office: 2330 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515. Phone: (202) 225-1766. Fax: (202) 226-0350.
District Office: 255 E. Temple St., Ste. 1860, Los Angeles, CA 90012-3334. Phone: (213) 628-9230. Fax: (213) 628-8578.