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Financial Aid for International Students

A US education is very expensive. Tuition, room and board at an undergraduate institution will cost from $15,000 to $40,000 a year, depending on the school. A graduate education can be even more expensive.

There is very little financial aid for foreign nationals to study in the US, with the possible exception of citizens of Canada and Mexico. Most grants, scholarships, and loans from public and private sources are restricted to US citizens.

As a result, international students will find very little information about financial aid for international students. This site presents more information about financial aid for international students than any other publication. This information originally appeared as part of the FinAid site.

Below you will find a description of how to access what aid is available, and a discussion of some of the problems you may encounter as you pay for a US education.

US students interested in obtaining funding for study abroad should see FinAid's Study Abroad and Foreign Study Programs section.

The bottom line is that there is very little financial aid available, and many international students do not study in the US because they cannot afford the expense. This is especially true for undergraduate education.


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Mark Kantrowitz, Publisher