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Criminal Investigations

Criminal Investigations

EPA's Criminal Enforcement Program investigates the most significant and egregious violators of environmental laws that pose a significant threat to human health and the environment. EPA's Office of Criminal Enforcement, Forensics and Training also provides state-of-the art training to our employees and our partners in international, federal, tribal, state, local law enforcement, regulatory and intelligence agencies.

Environmental Crimes and Violations

Report Environmental Violations

Learn about some of the more common signs of environmental violations.

EPA investigates violations of environmental statutes administered by the Agency where those statutes provide criminal sanctions (which include the possibility of imprisonment) for willful, knowing, or negligent environmental crimes.

Your personal safety is paramount: review the safety tips and do not try to investigate potential environmental law violations on your own.

If you suspect a criminal violation has occurred, Report an Environmental Violation.

EPA Special Agents

EPA Special Agents are sworn federal law enforcement officers with statutory authority to conduct investigations, carry firearms, make arrests for any federal crime and execute and serve any warrant. On National Peace Officers Memorial Day, May 15, of each year we honor three Special Agents, who gave their lives carrying out their duties to protect the environment.

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