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Occupant Emergency Plan
Supplemental Information for
Chemical, Biological and Radiological Preparedness
September 2002

The following supplemental information is intended to raise awareness of chemical, biological and radiological (CBR) risks and prepare Department of Justice employees to effectively react to these potential threats.

Indicators of a Potential Threat:

  • Groups of people displaying unusual behavior or signs and symptoms of exposure
  • Unusual fog, cloud, or mist 0 Abandoned spray device
  • Pool of liquid and unusual, unidentified source
  • Complaint of abnormal odors
  • An unusual amount of dead animals, birds or insects
  • A threatening letter or package
  • Unusual/unscheduled spraying

Exposure Effects of Chemical Materials:

    Exposure may result in:
  • Pin-point pupils and dimness of vision
  • Red or irritated eyes and skin
  • Choking and coughing
  • Shortness of breath, tightening in chest
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Runny nose
  • Dizziness or loss of consciousness
  • Convulsion or seizures
  • Note: Most chemical agents are rapid acting, however, some have delayed effects. For example, blistering of the skin could occur hours to days after exposure.
  • Move out of hazard area

Exposure Effects of Biological Materials:

    Exposure may result in:
  • Flu-like symptoms (headache, coughing, fever, chills, weakness or fatigue)
  • Shortness of breath
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Note: Biological agents do not cause immediate symptoms. Symptoms usually take several hours to several days to appear.
  • Inhalation and ingestion can be minimized by covering mouth and nose.

Exposure Effects of Radiological Materials:

    Exposure may result in:
  • Exposure to radioactive material is not immediately life threatening
  • Personal protection is accomplished by increasing the distance between you and the source material
  • Inhalation and ingestion can be minimized by covering mouth and nose.

Protective Actions:

    Conduct self decontamination as soon as possible:
  • Move out of hazard area
  • Remove contaminated clothing
  • Wash with soap and water unless otherwise directed

To Respond to a CBR incident. you should:

  • Stay calm, do not panic
    • Follow directed actions, which may include:
    • Get away from known hazard
    • Remain in place (if known hazard is outside)
    • Wait for emergency responders to arrive
    • Cooperate with on site personal decontamination efforts
    • Close all windows, doors and turn off fans

    The CBR threat is real but manageable and preparedness for the risks and your actions will mitigate them. All of the above situations cannot be eliminated but being prepared will help assist all of us in dealing with them.

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Page created:  February 14, 2003