Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated

CGC Bear's Seal

Bear's Logo

The ship's namesake, a polar bear, denotes both the formidable tenacity with which the cutter pursues its missions of search and rescue and law enforcement, and the operation area of the first BEAR (AG-29), which served over 40 years in Alaskan and North Atlantic waters.

The bear's collar represents power under control, a reference to the ship's SCCS and defense systems. The loose chain stands for freedom.

The fasces with trident symbolizes broad law enforcement through an aggressive patrol presence and successful interdictions. It recalls the conservation of fisheries and other living marine resources for future generations, the protection of our boarders from illegal alien migration and the interdiction of drugs and other contraband. The open hand represents search and rescue operations and the award of the Humanitarian Service Medal in recognition of these services. Special Operations Achievements are also recalled.

The laurel wreath symbolizes further awards of honors, including multiple Coast Guard Unit Commendation awards and Coast Guard Meritorious Unit Commendation awards. It also denotes honorable service of the first BEAR (AG-29) and the highest standards of continued devotion to duty of the USCGC BEAR (WMEC 901).

Surrounding the shield, the bipartite scroll reads “SUMMA POTENTIA PER FACILITATEM ", meaning - “highest might / ability through willingness." This motto emphasizes BEAR's commitment to excellence in the performance of all Coast Guard missions.

Last Modified 5/29/2008