Fire Management
Mountain-Prairie Region
What's New, What's Hot & What's Coming Up.....

bullet  "Living With Fire" - A Guide for the Great Plains Homeowner" is a 12 page, full color newspaper insert with detailed instructions, photos, and illustrations. This project is an Interagency wildland fire education and prevention project that is part of the Region 6 FWS Fire Program's on going efforts to increase public awareness about Firewise Living in the Wildland Urban Interface on the Great Plains. A large scale distribution was completed via newspapers in a six state area. Interagency Partners that contributed to the project include the USFWS, USFS, NPS, BIA, and BLM

bullet   National Fire Information Center

bullet   Fire Employment Opportunities in Region 6

 bullet  National Fire Plan Website

bullet   RSAC Fire Maps

bullet  GeoMac Wildland Fire Support


bullet  Interagency Prescribed Fire Implementation Procedures Reference

     bullet  Official Transmittal Memo

     bullet  Reference Guide (740 Kb PDF)

     bullet  New Rx Fire Plan Template


bullet  FWS National Review of Escaped Prescribed Fires

      bullet  Official Transmittal Memo 3/07

      bullet  Review Document 10/06

Last updated: September 17, 2008