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Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
Countries and Other Areas
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U.S. Support for Georgia
President Bush (Sept. 3):
"The United States applauds the actions taken by the European Union, and we will participate in the EU’s reconstruction conference. As part of America’s contribution to this international effort, today, I am announcing $1 billion in additional economic assistance to meet Georgia’s humanitarian needs and to support its economic recovery." Full Text | Fact SheetSecretary Rice's Remarks and Briefing on U.S. Economic Support Package for Georgia

Crisis in Georgia
Secretary Rice holds press conference at NATO headquarters on the Georgia crisis.  [NATO photo]Secretary Rice (Aug. 19): "It is time for the Russian President to keep his word to withdraw Russian forces from Georgia, back to the August 6/7 status quo ante and to return, in fact, all forces that were not in South Ossetia at the time of that – of the outbreak of that conflict. That means that Russian peacekeepers “who were there” are one thing, but those who reinforced in some way into the zone of conflict should also return to the status quo ante. " Full Text | View Video | Aug. 27 Joint statement by Foreign Ministers | More on Crisis in Georgia 


U.S.-Soviet Relations in the Era of Détente, 1969-1976
Secretary Rice delivers remarks at the Department of State Conference on U.S.-Soviet Relations in the Era of Detente, Marshall Center in the East Auditorium. State Dept. photo"America's relationship with Russia will remain large and complex: a mix of cooperation and competition, friendship and friction. This has always been the case. But we have achieved great things together before. We are doing so again today. And I am confident that with patience and hard work, dialogue and understanding, our future can be brighter than our past." Full Text | Release of Soviet-American Relations: The Détente Years, 1969-1972


 Map of Russia
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Recent Russian Actions in Georgia
We are extremely concerned about recent statements from the Russian government indicating that Russian forces will remain permanently in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Full Text

Russia, Georgia, and the Return of Power Politics
Deputy Assistant Secretary Bryza testified before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission). Full Text

U.S.-Russia Relations in the Aftermath of the Georgia Crisis
Testimony by Assistant Secretary Fried before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. Full Text

The Current Situation in Georgia and Implications for U.S. Policy
Testimony by Assistant Secretary Fried before the Senate Committee on Armed Services. Full Text

U.S.-Russia 123 Agreement
The President intends to notify Congress that he has today rescinded his prior determination regarding the U.S.-Russia Agreement for Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation (the so-called '123' Agreement). Full Text

Secretary Rice: Leadership Through Negotiation in Georgia
Assistant Secretary Fried's statement on State Department's DipNote blog. Full Text

Joint U.S.-Russian Statement
One year of progress following the joint declaration on nuclear energy and nonproliferation. Full Text

U.S.-Russia Working Group on Counterterrorism
Joint press statement and fact sheet released by U.S. Embassy Moscow. Full Text

U.S.-Russian Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (123 Agreement)
Acting Under Secretary Rood testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Full Text

Military Forces to Abkhazia
Press statement of Russian announcement of intention to send more military forces into Abkhazia. Full Text

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