Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1 - Comparison of Throughput on Internal Network (vehicles per hour)

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Period Direction Field (vehicle) CORSIM (vehicle) average CORSIM (vehicle) s.d.*
8–9 AM in 11,805 11,895 48.1
8–9 AM out 11,330 11,877 52.8
8–9 AM net –475 –18
4–5 PM in 10,834 10,805 39.7
4–5 PM out 10,990 10,796 40.6
4–5 PM net 156 –9
5–6 PM in 11,431 11,449 61.9
5–6 PM out 11,756 11,422 71.9
5–6 PM net 325 –27

NOTE: Field data were obtained from video taken on May 25, 2000. Averages are rounded to nearest integer.

* s.d. is the estimated (from 100 runs) standard deviation of a CORSIM run.