Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 5
Air and Conventional Rail Travel Time and Daily Capacity by OD Pair

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  OD 1 OD 2 OD 3 OD 4 OD 5 OD 6
Conventional rail 91 182 250 90 158 66
Conventional rail (13,564) (27,128) (38,316) (13,564) (24,752) (11,188)
Air N/A 55 65 N/A N/A N/A
Air (N/A) (1,726) (9,500) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A)

Note: The top number in each cell is travel time in minutes.

The bottom number in parentheses in each cell is daily capacity (persons per day).

Air capacity is based on actual service schedules and type of aircraft.