Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 2
Daily Activity and Trip Frequencies

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Activity Commuters (N = 4,331) Noncommuters (N = 3,651)
Work/work-related 1.6 NA
Eating/meal preparation 1.7 2.0
Shopping/personal business 0.6 0.7
Out-of-home entertainment 0.5 0.6
In-home entertainment 1.2 1.8
Personal care and childcare 1.2 1.2
Sleep/nap 1.0 1.1
In-home maintenance/other 0.7 1.1
Out-of-home other 0.4 0.4
School  0.1 0.7
Travel (total trips) 4.8 3.5
Work/work-related 1.3 NA
Return home 1.6 1.3
Meal (out-of-home) 0.4 0.2
Shopping/personal business 0.5 0.6
Out-of-home entertainment 0.5 0.5
Childcare 0.1 0.1
Out-of-home other 0.4 0.4
School 0.1 0.4
Total activities and trips 13.9 13.1

Note: Averages for a 48-hour period.