Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Diagram 1
Expansion of the Production Boundary Due to the Inclusion of HPTS in the TSAs: An Illustration within the Framework of the Input-Output Accounts Use Table


1. The second and third vertical lines in this chart, dotted or solid, should be seen as an overlapped single line.

2. The thick solid line is the production boundary defined in the System of National Accounts (SNA).

3. The thinner solid line contains the final uses including personal consumption expenditures (PCE) in the U.S. Input-Output Accounts.

4. The dotted panel excluding the shaded part indicates the PCE on user-operated transportation to be reclassified as intermediate inputs to HPTS being constructed in the TSAs.

5. The shaded part reflects the value-added inputs to HPTS that present an addition to gross domestic product.

6. The area between the thick solid line and the dotted line (including both shaded and unshaded parts) reflects the expansion of the production boundary defined in the SNA.