Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Journal of Transportation and Statistics

Complete Index (for Vols. 1–5)

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

    and employment, Vol. 4(2/3):49–66
    and road construction, Vol. 5(1):26
    business productivity, Vol. 1(3):69–76
    concepts and applications, Vol. 4(2/3):15–30
    definition of, Vol. 4(2/3):16
    demarcation area, Vol. 4(2/3):37
    European context, Vol. 4(2/3):38–40
    improving, Vol. 4(2/3):49–66
    composite approach, Vol. 4(2/3):35–36
    constraints-based approach, Vol. 4(2/3):34–35
    gravity approach, Vol. 4(2/3):33–34
    opportunities approach, Vol. 4(2/3):33–34
    travel-cost approach, Vol. 4(2/3):33
    utility-based surplus approach, Vol. 4(2/3):35
    modeling, Vol. 4(2/3):15–30, 31–47
    agglomeration effects, Vol. 4(2/3):37–38
    and labor markets, Vol. 4(2/3):54–57, 63–64
    measurement of attraction masses, Vol. 4(2/3):37
    measurement of spatial separation, Vol. 4(2/3):36–37
    path-based accessibility, Vol. 4(2/3):79–90
    unimodality v. multimodality, Vol. 4(2/3):37
    neighborhood accessibility, Vol. 4(2/3):67–78
    space-time prisms, Vol. 4(2/3):1–14

Accidents. See also Crashes, Safety
    air transportation, Vol. 2(1):79, 85
    costs, Vol. 4(1):87–90, 99–100
    free incidents, travel time, Vol. 2(2):123–131
    hazardous materials shipments by rail, Vol. 3(1):81–92
    high-risk sites, Vol. 1(1):75–91
    increased speed limits, Vol. 4(1):1–26
    trucks, Vol. 1(1):75–91

AFV. See Alternative fuel vehicles

Age. See also Demographic factors
    as a determinant of truck accidents, Vol. 3(1):69–73
    commuting, Vol. 2(1):104

Agglomeration effects (accessibility modeling), Vol. 4(2/3):37–38

Aggregation/disaggregation of data
    business interruption impacts, Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):29
    freight demand and mode choice, Vol. 2(2):149–58
    investment, macroeconomic analyses, Vol. 1(3):65–79
    motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2):25
    motor vehicle license fees, Vol. 2(2):139
    public transit demand in Europe, Vol. 1(1):3, 5, 13
    travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3):1–31
    truck trips, statewide, Vol. 3(1):53
    urban passenger transport, Vol. 1(1):44
    value of time data, Vol. 5(2/3):57–72

Air pollution, Vol. 3(2):1–102
    air quality assessment, Vol. 3(2):85–101
    air transportation, Vol. 2(1):79–80, 85–86
    analysis of covariance model, Vol. 3(2):49–64
    chase car data, Vol. 3(2):15–28
    costs from highway transportation, Vol. 4(1):91–92, 100; Vol. 5(2/3):84
    light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3):48
    Mobile Emissions Assessment System for Urban and Regional Evaluation, Vol. 3(2):65–83
    Mobile Source Emission Factor Model, Vol. 3(2):39–47, 65, 66, 67, 71, 72, 74–83
    modal emissions models, Vol. 3(2):29–38, 67–71
    motor vehicles, Vol. 1(1):20, 23, 27–28, 30, 33, 48
    social costs of motor vehicle use, Vol. 1(1):20, 23,
    27–28, 30, 33
    trips, relationship to value of time data, Vol. 5(2/3):2–72
    urban areas, Vol. 3(2):15–28, 65–102

Air transportation statistics, Vol. 2(1):71–92
    infrastructure needs, Vol. 2(1):78–79, 84–85
    policy formation, Vol. 2(1):74–76, 81–82
    productivity analysis, Vol. 2(1):77–78, 83–84
    safety, Vol. 2(1):79, 85
    use in cost analysis, Vol. 2(1):77–78, 83–84
    use in demand forecasting, Vol. 2(1):76–77, 83–84
    use in environmental analysis, Vol. 2(1):79–80, 85–86

    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Alaska, truck flows, Vol. 1(1):67, 69, 72

Alternative and replacement fuels, Vol. 3(2):50–61

Alternative fuel vehicles (AFV)
    emissions, Vol. 3(2):50, 57–61
    urban transportation, Vol. 3(1):35

American Travel Survey, Vol. 5(2/3):84

Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
    motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2):49–64

Analysis of variance (ANOVA), Vol. 2(2):49–63
    motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2):24
    roadway inventory data collection, Vol. 3(3):36–42

Atlanta, Georgia, parking, Vol. 2(1):93–107

ARIMA. See Box-Jenkins ARIMA time series

    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Austin, Texas, neighborhood accessibility assessment, Vol. 4(2/3):70–71, 76–77

    crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166
    freight travel time, Vol. 3(3):83–89
    impacts of bypasses on communities, Vol. 5(1):58
    modeling transportation in urban areas, Vol. 3(1):31–52
    public transit fare elasticity, Vol. 1(1):43–57
    travel demand, Vol. 3(3):1–31

    crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166
    travel demand, Vol. 3(3):3–5, 13

Automatic vehicle classification, Vol. 1(3):89–93

Bayesian approach, Vol. 4(1):27–38; Vol. 5(1):6, 13–14, 24, 77, 82

Bayes theorem, estimating traffic volume, Vol. 4(1):27–38

    crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166
    travel demand, Vol. 3(3):7

Bicycling, accessibility and, Vol. 4(2/3):67–68, 73, 74–75

Bootstrap methods
    estimation of origin-destination matrices, Vol. 5(2/3):37, 43–44
    validation of motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2) 29–36

Box-Jenkins ARIMA time series, Vol. 4(1):13–15
    forecasting traffic flows, Vol. 5(1):
    speed limit changes and fatal highway crashes, Vol. 4(1):13–15, 25

Bridge improvements, Vol. 1(3):65–78

Bronx, New York, Vol. 4(1):51–53

Buses, Vol. 1(2):4, 7, 11; Vol. 4(2/3):79–90. See also Public transit
    noise pollution, Vol. 1(3):10–11

    Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(1):v–73
    San Diego, increased roadway capacity, Vol. 5(1):27
    San Francisco, increased roadway capacity, Vol. 5(1):27
    San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit
    customer satisfaction among riders, Vol. 4(2/3):71
    employment growth, in relation to, Vol. 4(1):54
    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    travel behavior, home-based workers, Vol. 1(3):25–41
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):67, 69, 71, 72

    crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166
    freight imported from Canada into the U.S., Vol. 1(1):68–72

Capital investment in highways
    environmental regulation and, Vol. 2(1):45–60
    macroeconomic analyses, Vol. 1(3):65–79
    positive externalities, Vol. 1(3):81–88

Carbon dioxide
    air transportation, Vol. 2(1):80
    motor vehicles, Vol. 1(1):28; Vol. 3(2):3–4, 7, 12,
    29–32, 34

Carbon monoxide
    motor vehicles, Vol. 3(2):3–5, 7, 9–10, 12, 29–32, 34, 40, 44–45, 65–84, 86, 91–101

Cargo transportation
    train waybill data models and statistics, Vol. 4(1):75–79

Cars. See Motor vehicles, Passenger cars

Census Transportation Planning Package (CTTP), Vol. 4(2/3):67–78

Chase car data
    measuring vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2):15–28
    potential inaccuracy, Vol. 3(2):17–18

Chicago streets, Vol. 5(1):1–15

Clean Air Act emissions standards, Vol. 3(2):2–3, 5

Climate change
    air transportation, Vol. 2(1):79–80
    motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2):v
    motor vehicles, social costs, Vol. 1(1):22

Cluster analysis, land-use and transportation sketch
    planning, Vol. 4(1):39–49

    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

    estimating state-level truck traffic, Vol. 1(1):63–73; Vol. 3(1):53–66
    movement after Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):37–48
    transportation as, Vol. 3(1):15–29

Commodity Flow Survey, Vol. 3(1):53–66
    estimating state-level truck activities, Vol. 1(1):63–74

Commuters, Vol. 1(3):25–39
    activities of, Vol. 5(2/3):19–36
    demographics of, Vol. 2(1):93–107
    transit strikes, Vol. 1(3):43–51
    travel time, costs of freeway incidents, Vol. 2(2):123–130

    impact of Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):1–4, 8–19, 31–35, 50–51, 59–61
    time spent, Vol. 5(1):25–45

Congestion. See Traffic congestion

    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):67, 69, 72

Content analysis, Vol. 1(2):65–73

Contextual stated preference methods, freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3):83–89

    accessibility measures, Vol. 4(2/3):20–30, 40–41, 87–88
    multiple serial correlation, transit investment, Vol. 2(2):113–121

Costs/cost-benefit analyses
    accidents, Vol. 4(1):87–90
    air transport statistics, Vol. 2(1):77–78, 83–84
    disabled persons, rural vouchers, Vol. 2(1):68
    environmental costs
    air pollution, Vol. 4(1):91–92
    impact on road construction, Vol. 2(1):45–60
    motor vehicle noise, Vol. 1(3):1–23; Vol. 4(1):92–93
    freeway incidents, travel time, Vol. 2(2):123–131
    freight travel time, Vol. 3(3):83–89
    highway construction, Vol. 2(1):45–60
    highway transportation in New Jersey, Vol. 4(1):81–103
    impact of Northridge earthquake on trucking, Vol. 1(2):37–48
    infrastructure, Vol. 4(1):90–91
    motor vehicle crashes, Vol. 1(1):20, 22–23, 33; Vol. 2(1):20–43; Vol. 2(2):123–131
    motor vehicle license fees, Vol. 2(2):133–147
    Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):15–18, 19, 21, 37, 40, 44–46
    parking pricing, Vol. 2(1):100–106
    public transit, Vol. 2(2):113–121
    road construction, Vol. 1(3):65–78
    social costs of motor vehicle use, Vol. 1(1):15–42
    traffic congestion, Vol. 2(2):123-130, Vol. 4(1):87–90
    transit, multiple serial correlation, Vol. 2(2):113–121
    vehicle operating costs, 86–87

Covariance matrix, and travel time budgets, Vol. 5(1):35

Crashes, Vol. 2(1):19-43. See also Accidents, Safety
    annual mileage as determinant of truck accidents, Vol. 3(1):69, 71, 74
    economic costs of motor vehicle crashes, Vol. 2(1):23–32, 36–43
    fatalities, Vol. 2(2):159–166
    effect of speed limits, Vol. 4(1):1–26
    international statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166
    types, Vol. 2(1):22, 27–32, 36–43

CTPP. See Census Transportation Planning Package

Commuter survey, Northridge, California, earthquake, Vol. 1(2):13–15, 31–33

Delaware, truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 71, 72

    demand management, Vol. 4(1):31–37, 51–73
    derived, Vol. 5(1):26
    elasticities, Vol. 5(1):27
    forecasting using air transport statistics, Vol. 2(1):76–77, 82–83
    induced, Vol. 5(1):25–27, 32
    transit demand elasticity, Vol. 1(1):1–14
    transportation-related final demand, Vol. 1(1):93–102

Demographic factors. See also Age
    determinants of trucking safety, Vol. 3(1):69–79
    disabled persons, rural vouchers, Vol. 2(1):61-70
    employee demographics in relation to parking, Vol. 2(1):98, 104–105
    equity in motor vehicle license fees, Vol. 2(2):133–147
    motor vehicle ownership, Vol. 2(1):6–16
    Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey, Vol. 2(1):1–17
    race as determinant of truck crashes, Vol. 3(1):69, 71–72

Denmark, crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166

DIRECTIONS Travel Intelligence System, Vol. 5(2/3):85, 89

Disabled persons
    vouchers for transit use, Vol. 2(1):61–69

Disaggregation. See Aggregation/disaggregation

    planning by trucking companies, Vol. 1(2):37–48
    research methodology, Vol. 1(2):19–20, 39–40

District of Columbia. See Washington, DC

Driver behavior and traffic flow, Vol. 5(1):3, 23

Driver experience as determinant of truck accidents, Vol. 3(1):69, 71, 73–74

Econometric analyses, Vol. 3(1):1–14
    modeling impacts of bypasses on communities, Vol. 5(1):59

Economic factors. See also Capital investment in
    highways, Costs/cost-benefit analysis, Demand, Employment, Gross Domestic Product
    costs of traffic congestion, Vol. 2(2):123–130
    efficiency of European railways, Vol. 3(3):61–67
    equity of vehicle license fees by household location, Vol. 2(2):140–143
    equity of vehicle license fees by income, Vol. 2(2):135–140
    estimating marginal highway transportation costs, Vol. 4(1):81–102
    impacts of bypasses on communities, Vol. 5(1):57–69
    importance of transportation, Vol. 1(1):75–91; Vol. 3(1):15–30; Vol. 5(2/3):1–18
    induced travel demand, Vol. 3(1):1–14
    macroeconomic analysis of transportation investments, Vol. 1(3):43–51
    motor vehicles
    license fees, Vol. 2(2):133–147
    ownership and use, Vol. 2(1):1–17; Vol. 3(3):47–60
    social costs of owning, Vol. 1(1):15–42
    Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):21–36, 49–64
    impact on goods movement, Vol. 1(2):37–48
    System of National Accounts, Vol. 1(1):93–102
    transportation related, Vol. 1(2):21–35
    Transportation Satellite Accounts, Vol. 5(2/3):1–18
    urban transportation, Vol. 3(1):31–52
    value of travel time, Vol. 2(2):123–130

Efficiency measures, European railways, Vol. 3(3):61–68

    cross elasticity, urban passenger transport fares, Vol. 1(1):1–14
    fares for urban passenger transport, Vol. 1(:1):43–61
    modal choice, Vol. 2(2):156–157
    parking prices, Vol. 2(1):1-3

Emissions control. See Air pollution, Environment

    and accessibility improvements, Vol. 4(2/3):49–66
    and parking, Vol. 2(1):93–106
    impacts on employees due to Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):21–35
    Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):21, 23–33

England, London, traffic flows Vol. 5(1):49–50

Environment. See also Air pollution
    air transportation, Vol. 2(1):79–80, 85–86
    highway construction costs and regulation, Vol. 2(1):45–60
    impact of environmental protection measures on road construction costs, Vol. 2(1):45–60
    impacts of vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2):1–13; Vol. 4(1):91–93
    policy and regulations, Vol. 2(1):45–59

    accessibility measures, Vol. 4(2/3):31–48
    air transportation statistics, Vol. 2(1):71–92
    French National Personal Transportation Survey statistics, Vol. 1(3):53–63
    international crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166
    public transportation strikes in France, Vol. 1(3):43–51,
    railways, efficiency/output, Vol. 3(3):61–68
    transit demand elasticity, Vol. 1(1):1–14
    travel demand, Vol. 3(3):1–31

European Community, crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166

FARS. See Fatality Analysis Reporting System

    effect of highway speed limits on, Vol. 4(1):1–26
    hazardous material shipments, Vol. 3(1):83–85
    international accident statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166
    motor vehicles, Vol. 2(1):19–43
    rail, Vol. 3(1):85–86
    trucking, Vol. 3(1):70, 83–85, 87–89

Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), Vol. 4(1):3

Federal-aid highways, impact of environmental protection statutes on costs, Vol. 2(1):45–60

Federal Test Procedure (emissions testing), Vol. 3(2):2, 16–17, 39–47, 57–58

    crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166
    elasticity studies of public transport, Vol. 1(1):1, 7,
    10–12 (passim)

    Florida Visitor Study, Vol. 5(2/3):85–86
    measuring vehicle travel by visitors, Vol. 5(2/3):83–90
    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):67, 69, 72

    air transportation supply and demand, Vol. 2(1):76–77, 82–83
    traffic flow, Vol. 5(1):47–56
    traffic volume, Vol. 4(1):28
    urban demand, Vol. 1(3):26–28, 37

Foreign countries. See specific country

    freight demand and mode choice, Vol. 2(2):149–158
    National Personal Transportation Survey, Vol. 1(3):43-51
    transit strikes, Vol. 1(3):43-51
    travel demand, Vol. 3(3):1–31

Freeways. See Highways

Freight. See also Commodity Flow Survey, Trucks
    comparison of long-haul and metropolitan trucking, Vol. 3(3):83–89
    demand and mode choice, Vol. 2(2):149–158
    rail, Vol. 4(1):75–79
    shipper surveys, Vol. 3(3):83–89

    emissions reductions, Vol. 3(2):7, 29–30
    price and motor vehicle use, Vol. 1(1):17; Vol. 4(1):101
    reformulated gasoline (RFG), Vol. 3(2):57–58

Geographic information systems (GIS)
    used for evaluating neighborhood accessibility, Vol. 4(2/3):17, 29, 37, 38, 75–77

    Atlanta, parking, Vol. 2(1):93–107
    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Ghana, travel demand, Vol. 3(3):1–31

GIS. See Geographic information systems

Goodness-of-fit statistics, Vol. 4(1):75–79; Vol. 5(1):48–49, 55; Vol. 5(2/3):27

Goods movement after Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):37–48

Great Britain
    Planning Policy Guidance, Vol. 4(2/3):76
    travel demand, Vol. 3(3):1–31

Greece, crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166

Gravity approach (accessibility modeling), Vol. 4(2/3):33–34

Government revenues, vehicle license fees, Vol. 2(2):133–147

Greenhouse gases. See Climate change

Gross Domestic Product
    importance of transportation, Vol. 3(1):15–30; Vol. 5(2/3):1–18
    System of National Accounts, Vol. 1(1):93–102
    transportation driven, Vol. 3(1):25–28
    transportation related, Vol. 3(1):21–24

Handicapped persons. See Disabled persons

Hazardous materials, rail and truck shipment, Vol. 3(1):81–92

Hawaii, truck flows, Vol. 1(1):67, 69, 71, 72

High-speed rail, value of time, Vol. 5(2/3):57–72

    capacity, Vol 5(1):25–45
    congestion and delays, Vol. 2(2):123–130
    detours due to earthquake damage, Vol. 1(2):1–20
    environmental regulation and costs, Vol. 2(1):45–60
    federal-aid highways, Vol. 2(1):45–60
    impacts of bypasses on communities, Vol. 5(1):57–69
    improvements, Vol. 1(3):65–79
    induced travel demand, Vol. 3(1):1–14
    inventory, Vol. 3(3):33–45
    Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):1–73
    goods movement after, Vol. 1(2):37–48
    reconstruction after, Vol. 1(2):1–20
    road construction and environmental statutes, Vol. 2(1):45–60
    speed limits, effect on number of fatal accidents, Vol. 4(1):1–26
    trips, relationship to value of time data, Vol. 5(2/3):58–72
    transportation costs, Vol. 4(1):81–103
    truck accidents on ramps, Vol. 1(1):75–91
    user fees, New Jersey, Vol. 4(1):99–102

Home-based workers, travel behavior, Vol. 1(3):25–39

Hydrocarbons, motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2):3–5, 7, 8, 12, 29–32, 34, 40, 44–45, 51–63, 65–84

Idaho, truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

    Chicago streets, Vol. 5(1):1–15
    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Income, and equity of vehicle license fees, Vol. 2(2):133–147

India, travel demand, Vol. 3(3):1–31

    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Induced travel demand, Vol. 3(1):1–14; Vol. 5(1):25–27, 32

    business losses due to infrastructure damage, Vol. 1(2):49–62
    costs, Vol. 1(3):65-78, 81-88
    highway, Vol. 4(1):90–91, 100
    funding improvements, Vol. 5(2/3):83
    improvements and safety, Vol. 3(1):81, 83, 90–91
    use of air transport statistics, Vol. 2(1):78–79, 84–85

    hazardous materials, Vol. 3(1):85–86
    international accident statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166
    input-output coefficient, Vol. 3(1):53–66
    motor vehicle, Vol. 2(1):19–43; Vol. 2(2):160–163

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS), Vol. 4(1):61, Vol. 5(2/3):37–40, 43, 50

Intermodal transportation, mode choice, Vol. 2(2):149–158

International perspectives, See also Europe,
    specific countries
    crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166
    motor vehicle noise, Vol. 1(3):9
    travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3):1–31
    urban congestion, air pollution, Vol. 3(2):85–102
    urban transport modeling, Vol. 3(1):42–49

International air transport statistics, Vol. 2(1):71–92

International travel demand, Vol. 3(3):1–31

    macroeconomic analysis of transportation investments, Vol. 1(3):43–51
    transportation improvements, Vol. 1(3):65–78
    transportation in the economy, Vol. 1(1):93–102

    impacts of bypasses on communities, Vol. 5(1):58
    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):67, 69, 72

Ireland, crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166

Italy, crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166

ITS. See Intelligent transportation systems

Jämtland, Sweden, accessibility measures, Vol. 4(2/3):83–89

    crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166
    Kobe earthquake, Vol. 1(2):33–35
    travel demand, Vol. 3(3):1–31

    impacts of bypasses on communities, Vol. 5(1):59
    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):67, 69, 72

    Medicaid transit service, Vol. 5(2/3):73–81
    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Korea, trip time in the NW-SE corridor, Vol. 5(2/3):57–72

Labor markets and accessibility modeling, Vol. 4(2/3):54, 57, 63–64

Labor supply, accessibility improvements, Vol. 4(2/3):49–66

Land-use planning
    cluster analysis, Vol. 4(1):39–49
    creating land-use scenarios, Vol. 4(1):39–49
    neighborhood accessibility, Vol. 4(2/3):67-78

Least squares estimation
    origin-destination matrices, Vol. 5(2/3):37–56
    travel time budgets, Vol. 5(1):35

Lebanon, urban congestion, air pollution, Vol. 3(2):85–102

Legislation, federal
    Clean Air Act, Vol. 3(2):2–3, 5
    Department of Transportation Act, Vol. 2(1):47–48
    Highway Safety Act, Vol. 3(3):71
    Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, Vol. 3(3):71
    Motor Carrier Acts, Vol. 3(1):71–72, 84
    National Environmental Policy Act, Vol. 2(1):47–49
    Nuclear Waste Policy Act, Vol. 3(1):82
    Urban Mass Transportation Act, Vol. 2(1):62
    various, Vol. 2(1):48

Licenses and licensing
    vehicle license fees, Vol. 2(2):133–147

Light trucks. See also Trucks/trucking
    accidents risks, Vol. 2(1):27, 36–43
    emissions, Vol. 3(2):49–63
    ownership and use, Vol. 3(3):47–60

Linear captivity models, to determine demand elasticities, Vol. 5(1):27

Linear logit models, to determine demand elasticities, Vol. 5(1):27

Logit models
    freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3):83-89
    vehicle type by driver, Vol. 3(3):56–58parking and travel behavior, Vol. 2(1):95

Loglinear models, Vol. 4(1):75–79

London, England, traffic flows, Vol. 5(1):49–50

Long-term memory model, forecasting traffic flows, Vol. 5(1):51

    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Luxembourg, crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166

Macroeconomic analysis of transportation investments, Vol. 1(3):43–51

Maine, truck flows, Vol. 1(1):67, 69, 71, 72

Maintenance and repair, pollutant emissions, Vol. 3(2):6, 16, 92

    induced travel demand, Vol. 3(1):1–14
    study of road capacity and VMT, Vol. 5(1):28
    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Mass transit. See Transit

    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Maximum likelihood estimation, Vol. 5(1):63

MEASURE (Mobile Emissions Assessment System for Urban and Regional Evaluation), Vol. 3(2):49–63

    European public transport demand, Vol. 1(1):1–14
    railway efficiency/output, Europe, Vol. 3(3):61–68
    travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3):1–31

Mexico, freight imported from Mexico into the U.S., Vol. 1(1):68–72

    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):67, 69, 71, 72

Mileage. See also Vehicle-miles of travel
    as a determinant of truck accidents, Vol. 3(1):69, 71, 74

Minivans. See Light trucks

    impacts of bypasses on communities, Vol. 5(1):558
    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):67, 69, 72

    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Mobile mapping system, Vol. 3(3):33–46

MOBILE6 (Mobile Source Emissions Factor Model)
    vehicle emissions model, Vol. 3(2):39–47

    induced travel demand, Vol. 3(1):1–14
    international travel demand, Vol. 3(3):1–31
    mobility enhancement strategies, Vol. 4(1):51–73

Mode choice, Vol. 1(1):43–57
    and freight demand, Vol. 2(2):149–158
    during transit strikes, Vol. 1(3):43–51
    models, Vol. 3(3):55–57
    travel budgets, Vol. 3(3):1–31

    accessibility, Vol. 1(3):71–72; Vol. 4(2/3):31–47
    analysis of covariance vehicle emissions (ANCOVA), Vol. 3(2):49–63
    binomial regression, person-trips, Vol. 3(3):51–53
    Box-Jenkins ARIMA time series, Vol. 4(1):13–15
    forecasting traffic flows, Vol. 5(1):52, 54, 55
    commuters' activity frequency, Vol. 5(2/3):19–36
    CORSIM, traffic simulation, Vol. 5(1):1–22
    discrete choice, Vol. 2(2):150
    disaggregated choice, Vol. 1(1):1
    dynamic congestion, Vol. 4(2/3):6–8
    econometric model, impacts of bypasses on communities, Vol. 5(1):561
    economic impacts of Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):23–27
    emissions, Vol. 3(2):65–84
    emissions control deterioration, Vol. 3(2):39–47
    impacts of bypasses on communities, Vol. 5(1):61–62
    induced travel demand, Vol. 3(1):6–9, 11
    general noise cost, motor vehicle use, Vol. 1(3):1–24
    goodness-of-fit, Vol. 5(1):48–49, 55
    gravity, freight, Vol. 3(1):63–64
    heteroskedastic extreme value choice, Vol. 1(1):43, 46–47
    freight, Vol. 3(1):53–66
    origin-destination matrices, Vol. 5(2/3):47
    linear captivity, to determine demand elasticities, Vol. 5(1):27
    linear logit, to determine demand elasticities, Vol. 5(1):27
    linear regression, speed limits and fatal highway crashes, Vol. 4(1):2
    linear trend, speed limits and fatal highway crashes, Vol. 4(1):3
    logit, parking and travel behavior, Vol. 2(1):95
    loglinear, Vol. 4(1):74–79
    long-term memory, forecasting traffic flows, Vol. 5(1):51
    MOBILE6 (Mobile Source Emissions Factor Model) vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2):39–47
    modal emissions, Vol. 3(2):31
    mode choice, Vol. 3(3):53–54
    motor vehicle noise costs, Vol. 1(3):3–7
    motor vehicle ownership, Vol. 3(3):53–54
    multinomial logit, Vol. 2(2):152–153
    commuters' activity schedules, Vol. 5(2/3):20–36
    freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3):83–89
    mode choice, Vol. 3(3):55–57
    MVEI7G vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2):85–101
    naïve, forecasting traffic flows, Vol. 5(1):51–52
    neighborhood accessibility, Vol. 4(2/3):67–78
    nested logit, commuters' activity schedules, Vol. 5(2/3):19–36
    network assignment model, Vol. 5(2/3):57–72
    nonlinear, for neural networks, Vol. 5(1):52
    ordinary least squares, impacts of bypasses on communities, Vol. 5(1):67–68
    path-based accessibility, Vol. 4(2/3):79–90
    ordered, to study vehicle occupancy, Vol. 3(3):53–55
    determinants of trucking safety, Vol. 3(1):69–79
    rail freight shipments, Vol. 4(1):74–79
    impacts of bypasses on communities, Vol. 5(1):62–63, 67–68
    highway construction costs, Vol. 2(1):50–57
    trucking safety, Vol. 3(1):75
    impacts of bypasses on communities, Vol. 5(1):61
    seemingly unrelated regression estimation (SURE)
    impacts of bypasses on communities, Vol. 5(1):62–64, 67–68
    travel time budgets, Vol. 5(1):35–36
    simultaneous equation, Vol. 4(1):49–66; Vol. 5(1):36
    Southern California Planning Model (SCPM), Vol. 1(2):21–35
    spatial allocation, Vol. 1(2):21–35
    statistical modeling of arrival and departure times, Vol. 5(1):71–82
    structural time series, speed limits and fatal highway crashes, Vol. 4(1):1–7, 11–12, 13–15, 16–18, 22–23, 25
    time series, Vol. 4(1):3–7
    traffic flows, Vol. 5(1):47–56
    traffic simulation, Vol. 5(1):1, 16
    transportation in urban areas, Vol. 3(1):31–52
    trips per vehicle, Vol. 3(3):51–52
    urban passenger transport, Vol. 1(1):43–61
    use of light-duty and passenger cars, Vol. (33):47–60
    validation of, Vol. 5(1):1–2
    vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2):29–38
    vehicle emissions with MEASURE (Mobile Emissions Assessment System for Urban
    and Regional Evaluation), Vol. 3(2):49–63
    vehicle-miles of travel, Vol. 3(3):50–51
    vehicle occupancy, Vol. 3(3):51–52
    vehicle ownership, Vol. 3(3):57–59
    weighted least squares model of vehicle-miles of travel, Vol. 3(3):50

Montana, truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Monte Carlo simulation
    model of commuters' activities, Vol. 5(2/3):19, 31, 33
    origin-destination matrices, Vol. 5(2/3):45–47, 51

    crashes, Vol. 2(1):19, 22, 25, 26, 29–31, 33, 36–43; Vol. 2(1):36–43; Vol. 2(2):164
    license fees, California, Vol. 2(2):133–147
    noise pollution, Vol. 1(3):10–11

Motor vehicles. See also Passenger cars, Trucks/trucking
    air pollution, Vol. 1(1):20, 23, 27–28, 33, 48; Vol. 3(2):v–ix, 1–102
    crashes, Vol. 1(1):20, 22–23, 27, 33; Vol. 2(1):19–43; Vol. 2(2):123–131, 159–166
    induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1):1–14
    license fees, Vol. 2(2):133–147
    light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3):47–60
    models, Vol. 3(3):50–51
    motor vehicle ownership and use, 11, 17, Vol. 2(1):3–7
    Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey, Vol. 2(1):1–17
    noise, Vol. 1(1):20–21, 23, 33, 36–38; Vol. 1(3):1–23
    occupancy models, Vol. 3(3):53–54
    operating costs, Vol. 4(1):86–87
    ownership and use, 14–16; Vol. 2(1):1–17; Vol. 2(1):6–7;
    Vol. 3(3):47–60;
    Vol. 3(3):57–59; Vol. 4(2/3) 58, 65; Vol. 5(2/3):21
    passenger car ownership and use, Vol. 3(3):47–60
    social costs, Vol. 1(1):15–42
    speed and speed limits, Vol. 3(3):69–81
    vehicle-miles of travel, Vol. 3(1):1–14
    crashes, Vol. 1(1):76, 77, 80, 83, 84–88;

Multinomial logit models, freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3):83–89

Multiple serial correlation, transit investment, Vol. 2(2):113–121

Naïve model, forecasting traffic flows, Vol. 5(1):51–52

National Bicycling and Walking Study, Vol. 4(2/3):73

National Cooperative Highway Research Program
    research on bypasses, Vol. 5(1):59
    tourism travel project, Vol. 5(2/3):84

National Household Travel Survey, Vol. 5(2/3):89–90

National Maximum Speed Limit, Vol. 3(3):69–81; Vol. 4(1):2, 3, 16, 18

National Personal Transportation Survey, France, Vol. 1(3):43–51

Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS), United States,
    Vol. 2(1):1–17; Vol. 2(2):134–146,
    Vol. 3(3):47–60; Vol. 5(1):25, 26–28, 34

Nebraska, truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

    hazardous materials shipments, Vol. 3(1):82
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):68, 69, 72

    crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166
    elasticity studies of public transport, Vol. 1(1):1, 7,
    10–12 (passim)
    travel demand, Vol. 3(3):1–31
    travel surveys of arrival and departure times, Vol. 5(1):71–82

New Hampshire, truck flows, Vol. 1(1):67, 69, 72

New Jersey
    highway transportation costs, Vol. 4(1):81–103
    highway user fees, Vol. 4(1):99–102
    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

New Mexico, truck flows, Vol. 1(1):68, 69, 72

New York
    Bronx, New York, Vol. 4(1):51–53
    South Bronx, accessibility to jobs, Vol. 4(2/3):49–66
    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 71, 72

New Zealand, crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166

Noise costs
    air transportation, Vol. 2(1):79, 85
    motor vehicle use, Vol. 1(1):20–24, 33; Vol. 1(3):1–23

Nonlinear model, for neural networks, Vol. 5(1):52

Nonparametric statistics, Vol. 3(3):61–67

Nonparametric tests, traffic forecasting, Vol. 5(1):47–56
    direction of change, Vol. 5(1):53
    rank correlation, Vol. 5(1):53
    signs test, Vol. 5(1):52
    Wilcoxon test on location, Vol. 5(1):52–53, 54
    Wilcoxon test on variance, Vol. 5(1):53

North Carolina
    induced travel demand, Vol. 3(1):1–14
    study of road capacity and VMT, Vol. 5(1):28
    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

North Dakota, truck flows, Vol. 1(1):67, 69, 71, 72
    Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):iv–vi, 1–73
    buses, Vol. 1(2):4, 7, 11
    losses by type of business, Vol. 1(2):56–59
    impacts on employees, Vol. 1(2):21–35
    interruptions, Vol. 1(2):21–35
    survey of impacts, Vol. 1(2):49–62
    commuter rail transportation, Vol. 1(2):4, 15–17, 69–7
    commuter travel, Vol. 1(2):1–20, 31–35, 50–51, 59–60
    comparison to Kobe earthquake, Vol. 1(2):33–35
    costs, Vol. 1(2):16–18, 19, 21, 27–29, 35, 37, 44–46
    detours due to damage by the earthquake, Vol. 1(2):1–20
    earthquake losses by company type, Vol. 1(2):56–59
    economic impacts, Vol. 1(2):21–36, 49–64
    goods movement after the earthquake, Vol. 1(2):37–48
    highways, Vol. 1(2):1–73
    reconstruction after the earthquake, Vol. 1(2):1–20
    impact on construction sector, Vol. 1(2):3–7
    impact on employees, Vol. 1(2):21–35
    impact on urban areas, Vol. 1(2):1–73
    media coverage, Vol. 1(2):65–73
    modeling economic impacts, Vol. 1(2):21–35
    parking, Vol. 1(2):19, 104–106, 96–100
    public transit ridership, Vol. 1(2):1–20
    road transport, Vol. 1(2):1–20
    spatial allocation models, Vol. 1(2):21–36
    surveys of business impacts, Vol. 1(2):49–62
    surveys of economic impacts, Vol. 1(2):21–35
    telecommuting, Vol. 1(2):35
    traffic volume changes, Vol. 1(2):1–20
    transit effects, Vol. 1(2):1–20
    trucks and trucking, Vol. 1(2):37–48, 57, 58
    costs/cost-benefit analyses, Vol. 1(2):37–48
    wholesale/retail trade, Vol. 1(2):21–36, 55–60

    travel demand, Vol. 3(3):1–31
    elasticity studies of public transport, Vol. 1(1):1, 7,
    10–12 (passim)

NPTS. See Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey

    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Oil, motor vehicles and social costs, Vol. 1(1):25–27

    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

On-time performance of long-haul and metropolitan freight, Vol. 3(3):83–89

Opportunities approach (accessibility modeling), Vol. 4(2/3):33–34

    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Origin-destination, Vol. 4(1):84–85, 87, 93; Vol. 5(2/3):37–56, 57–72

Ozone layer and air transportation, Vol. 2(1):79–80

Parking, Vol. 2(1):93–106
    and office development, Vol. 2(1):93–106
    Atlanta, parking management, Vol. 2(1):93–107
    impact on travel behavior, Vol. 2(1):99–102
    light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3):57
    Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):19
    social costs of motor vehicles, Vol. 1(1):21–22, 29–30
    subsidies, Vol. 2(1):103–104
    zoning management, Vol. 2(1):96, 98–99, 104–105

Particulate matter, motor vehicles, Vol. 3(2):86, 91–92, 94

Passenger cars. See also Motor vehicles
    accident risks, Vol. 2(1):27, 36–43
    ownership and use, Vol. 3(3):47–60

Path-based accessibility (accessibility modeling), Vol. 4(2/3):79–91

Pedestrians, accidents involving, Vol. 2(1):22, 26–32,
    36–43; Vol. 2(2):164–165

    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Physically handicapped persons. See disabled persons

Pickup trucks. See Light trucks

Planning and policy
    creating land-use scenarios, Vol. 4(1):39–49
    mobility enhancement strategies, Vol. 4(1):51–73

Police accident reports
    international crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):162

    environmental policy, Vol. 2(1):45–59
    use of air transport statistics, Vol. 2(1):74–76, 81–82
    use of surveys and models in policy formation, Vol. 3(1):31–52

Pollution. See Air pollution

Portland, Oregon, sidewalk inventory, Vol. 4(2/3):74–75

Portugal, crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166

Probit estimation, determinants of safety in trucking industry, Vol. 3(1):69–79

Probit models
    motor vehicle trip occupancy, Vol. 3(3):54–55

Productivity analysis
    transportation projects, Vol. 1(3):65–78
    use of air transport statistics, Vol. 2(1):77–78, 83–84

Public transportation. See Transit

    Car Waybill Sample, Vol. 4(1):76, 79
    efficiency/output of European railways, Vol. 3(3):61–68
    freight demand and mode choice, Vol. 2(2):149–158
    hazardous materials shipment, Vol. 3(1):81–92
    modeling freight shipments, Vol. 4(1):74–79
    trips, relationship to value of time data, Vol. 5(2/3):58–72

Ramps, truck accidents on freeway ramps, Vol. 1(1):75–91

Random utility theory, Vol. 1(2):45–46

Reformulated gasoline, Vol. 3(2):50–61

Regression analysis, Vol. 2(1):101–103
    crashes and traffic volume, Vol. 4(1):89–90
    estimation of origin-destination matrices, Vol. 5(2/3):37–56
    impacts of bypasses, Vol.5(1):59
    induced travel demand, Vol. 3(1):10, 12–13
    parking and travel behavior, Vol. 2(1):95, 101–103
    vehicle license fees, Vol. 2(2):140–143
    vehicle use and household characteristics, Vol. 2(1):13–16

Regression models
    commuters' activity schedules, Vol. 5(2/3):31–32
    person-trips, Vol. 3(3):51–53
    multivariate constrained, Vol. 5(2/3):39–56
    of person-trips per vehicle, Vol. 3(3):51–53

Poisson, Vol. 5(2/3):31–32
    univariate constrained and unconstrained, Vol. 5(2/3):39–56

Remote sensing (emissions testing), Vol. 3(2):3–4

RFG. See Reformulated gasoline

Rhode Island, truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Road construction
    affects of additional capacity on travel demand, Vol. 5(1):25–45
    impact of environmental protection statutes, Vol. 2(1):45– 60

Roadway inventory data collection, Vol. 3(3):33–46

Rough set analysis
    European public transport demand, Vol. 1(1):1–14

Rural areas
    effects of speed limits on fatal accidents, 10, Vol. 4(1):3–7
    transit services to Medicaid recipients, Vol. 5(2/3):73–81
    transit vouchers for persons with disabilities, Vol. 2(1):61–69

Safety. See also Accidents, Crashes
    aviation, Vol. 2(1):79, 85
    determinants of truck crashes, Vol. 3(1):69–79
    hazardous materials, rail and truck shipments, Vol. 3(1):81–92
    rail, Vol. 3(1):81–92
    trucking, Vol. 3(1):69–79, 81–92

    earthquake business losses, Vol. 2(2):54–55
    freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3):86, 88
    home-based workers, Vol. 1(3):28–32
    motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2):1, 9–10, 28, 42, 55
    travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3):6
    urban transport fares, Vol. 1(1):47–49
    selection bias, Vol. 1(2):54-55, Vol. 3(2):10–11

San Diego, increased roadway capacity, Vol. 5(1):27

San Francisco
    commuters' activities, Vol. 5(2/3):19–36
    increased roadway capacity, Vol. 5(1):27

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit
    customer satisfaction among riders, Vol. 4(2/3):71
    employment growth, in relation to, Vol. 4(1):54

School bus ridership, Vol. 4(1):v

Seemingly unrelated regression estimation (SURE) model, and travel time budgets, Vol. 5(1):35–36

Sensitivity analysis
    air quality, Vol. 3(2):96
    motor vehicle noise costs, Vol. 1(3):16–19
    estimation of origin-destination matrices, Vol. 5(2/3):46–47

Serial correlation analysis, Vol. 2(2):113–121

Signals, traffic, Vol. 5(1):2–7, 16–17, 24

Simultaneity bias, induced travel demand, Vol. 3(1):1–14

Singapore, travel demand, Vol. 3(3):1–31

Sleep as a determinant of truck accidents, Vol. 3(1):69, 71, 74

Social cost analysis, motor vehicle use (U.S.), Vol. 1(1):15–42

Social factors
    disabled persons, rural vouchers, Vol. 2(1):61–70
    motor vehicle use costs, Vol. 1(1) 15–42; Vol. 1(3):1–24
    urban transport fares, Vol. 1(1):47–61

Socioeconomic status. See also Educational attainment
    disabled persons, rural vouchers, Vol. 2(1):61–70
    home-based workers, Vol. 1(3):30–32
    induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1):7–13
    light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3):47–60
    motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2):6
    parking, zoning management, Vol. 2(1):96, 98–99, 104–105
    travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3):1–31
    vehicle license fees, Vol. 2(2):135–137
    South Bronx, New York, accessibility improvements and local employment, Vol. 4(2/3):49–66
    South Carolina
    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Southern California Planning Model (SCPM), Vol. 1(2):21–35

South Dakota, truck flows, Vol. 1(1):67, 69, 72

Space-time prisms
    accessibility within the transportation network, Vol. 4(2/3):1–14
    commuters' activity schedules, Vol. 5(2/3):23–34

Spain, crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166

Spatial allocation models, Vol. 1(2):21–35; Vol. 1(2):21–36

Spatial mismatch hypothesis, Vol. 4(2/3):54–54, 61

Speed and speed limits. See also Traffic congestion
    effect of highway speed limits on fatalities, Vol. 4(1):1–26
    emissions and, Vol. 3(2):15–28, 34–37, 90–91, 92–93, 96–99
    hazardous materials shipments, Vol. 3(1):69, 78, 80, 88, 90
    in relation to funding, Vol. 3(3):69, 70–71
    monitoring in traffic management, Vol. 3(3):69–80
    noise level and, Vol. 1(3):6, 10, 11, 19–20
    personal transportation surveys, Vol. 1(3):58
    traffic management monitoring program, Vol. 3(3):69–81
    travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3):8–9, 27
    travel speed and time, Vol. 5(1):25, 33
    truck drivers, Vol. 3(1):69, 78, 81, 88, 90

Sport utility vehicles. See Light trucks

Stockholm, Sweden, accessibility measures, Vol. 4(2/3):83–89

    commuter impacts, Vol. 1(2):43–51
    commuting during transit strikes France, Vol. 1(3):43–51

Supply and demand. See also Sampling
    air transportation, Vol. 2(1):76–77, 82–83
    European public transport demand, Vol. 1(1):1–14
    final demand of transportation, Vol. 3(1):15, 19–21
    freight demand and mode choice, Vol. 2(2):149–158
    induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1):1–14
    investment, macroeconomic analyses, Vol. 1(3):72
    railways, European, efficiency/output, Vol. 3(3):61–68

System of National Accounts, Vol. 1(1):93–102
    transit investment, serial correlation, Vol. 2(2):119–120
    travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3):1–31
    Commodity Flow Survey, trucking, Vol. 1(1):63–74; Vol. 3(1):53, 56–58
    light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3):47–60
    motor vehicle ownership and use, Vol. 2(1):1–17
    urban transport, Australia, Vol. 3(1):31, 39, 42–51
    urban transport fares, Vol. 1(1):47–61

SURE. See Seemingly unrelated regression estimation model

    business impacts of Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):49–62
    Commodity Flow Survey, Vol. 3(1):43–48
    commuters, Vol. 1(1):13–15, 31–33
    DIRECTIONS Travel Intelligence System, Vol. 5(2/3):85, 89
    economic impacts of Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):21–35
    Florida Visitor Study, Vol. 5(2/3):85–86
    freight shippers, Australia, Vol. 3(3):83–89
    Los Angeles area trucking companies, Vol. 1(2):37–48
    Medicaid transit services, Vol. 5(2/3):77–81
    National Personal Transportation Survey, France, Vol. 1(3):53–63
    Nationwide Personal Transportation Survey (NPTS), United States,
    Vol. 2(1):1–17; Vol. 2(2):134–146; Vol. 3(3):47–60
    role in policy formation, Vol. 3(1):31–52
    selection bias, Vol. 1(2):54–55
    transport during strikes, France, Vol. 1(3):43–51
    travel surveys, Vol. 3(1):39–40, 43–51; Vol. 3(3):1–31
    arrival and departure times, Vol. 5(1):71–82
    behavior of home-based workers, Vol. 1(3):25–41
    measuring tourist vehicle travel, Vol. 5(2/3):83–90
    trucking companies after the Northridge, California, earthquake, Vol. 1(2):39–47
    truck drivers, Vol. 3(1):69–79
    urban transport experts, Vol. 3(1):43–48
    value of time data, Vol. 5(2/3):57–72

SUVs. See Light trucks

    accessibility measures, Jämtland, Vol. 4(2/3):83–89
    crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166
    travel demand, Vol. 3(3):1–31

Telecommuters' travel behavior, Vol. 1(3):25–39

Telecommuting and Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):35

    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

    estimation of origin-destination matrices, Vol. 5(2/3):37–56
    impacts of bypasses on communities, Vol. 5(1):57, 59, 60
    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):68, 69, 72

Time factors
    allocation of time, Vol. 5(1):25–45
    and accessibility, Vol. 4(2/3):59, 65
    accidents on freeways, Vol. 2(2):123–131
    arrival and departure times, travel survey, Vol. 5(1):71–82
    budgets, Vol. 3(3):1–31; Vol. 5(1):73
    bus fares, time-based, Vol. 1(1):50–61
    commuters' activities, Vol. 5(2/3):20, 22–36
    costs of traffic congestion, Vol. 2(2):123–130
    freight travel time and reliability, Vol. 3(3):83–89
    home-based workers, Vol. 1(3):25–41
    long-haul and metropolitan freight, Vol. 3(3):83–89
    light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3):56
    space-time accessibility measures, Vol. 4(2/3):1–14
    motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2):76–79
    Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):13, 14, 32–34,
    38–39, 47, 59–60, 67–72
    roadway inventory data acquisition, Vol. 3(3):33, 43–44
    traffic flows, Vol. 5(1):49–52, 55
    traffic signals, Vol. 5(1):3–15, 18, 20, 49
    transit strikes, France, Vol. 1(3):43–51
    transit, time-based fares, Vol. 1(1):43–61
    travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3):1–31
    travel-time calculations, Vol. 5(2/3):43–45
    value of time, Vol. 5(2/3):57–72

Time series analyses
    forecasting traffic flows, Vol. 5(1):51
    induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1):1–14
    transit costs, multiple serial correlation, Vol. 2(2):113–121

Tourism, measuring vehicle travel, Vol. 5(2/3):83–90

Traffic congestion
    aggregated time series analysis, Vol. 1(1):3
    and air pollution, Vol. 3(2):85–101
    and vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2):85–101
    controlling, Vol. 4(1):51–73
    costs, Vol. 1(1):18; Vol. 2(2):123–130; Vol. 4(1):87–90, 99–100
    dynamic modeling, Vol. 4(2/3):1–14
    effects of road construction, Vol. 5(1):26, 33
    flows, Vol. 5(1):3, 5, 60–61
    and driver behavior, Vol. 5(1):3
    forecasting, Vol. 5(1):47–56
    impacts of bypasses on communities, Vol. 5(1):57–69
    modeling, vol. 4(2/3):6–8
    reducing, Vol. 4(1):51–73
    Roadway Congestion Index, Vol. 3(2):19–20
    study of urban congestion, Vol. 5(1):28
    volume, Vol. 4(1):27–38; Vol. 5(1):5

Traffic management, monitoring, Vol. 3(3):69–80; Vol. 5(2/3):38

Traffic volume
    changes after Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):1–20
    estimating, Vol. 4(1):27–38

Trains. See Railways

Transit, Vol. 4(1):51–73
    accessibility, Vol. 4(2/3):51–57, 71–73, 74
    commuting during transit strikes, France, Vol. 1(3):43–51
    costs, Vol. 2(2):113–121
    demand elasticity, Europe, Vol. 1(1):1–14
    emergency bus service, Vol. 1(2):1–20
    fare elasticity, Vol. 1(1):43–57
    Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):1–3, 7, 9, 11, 15–20
    response to Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):1-20
    ridership after Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):1-20
    services to Medicaid recipients, Vol. 5(2/3):73–81
    strikes, Vol. 1(3):43–51
    timetables, Vol. 5(1):79
    travel demand, country comparisons, Vol. 3(3):1–31
    urban transportation, Australia, Vol. 3(1):31–52
    voucher programs for physically handicapped persons in rural areas, Vol. 2(1):61–69

Transportation Satellite Accounts, Vol. 5(2/3):1–18

Travel behavior
    accidents on freeways, Vol. 2(2):123–131
    and parking, Vol. 2(1):99–102
    commuters, Vol. 1(3):25–39
    data, Vol. 5(1):28
    home-based workers, Vol. 1(3):25–39
    in personal transportation surveys, Vol. 2(1):1–17
    space-time accessibility, Vol. 4(2/3):1–14
    telecommuters, Vol. 1(3):25–39
    travel time budgets, Vol. 3(3):1–31

Travel budgets, Vol. 3(3):1–31; Vol. 5(1):26, 32

Travel demand
    based on commuters' activities, Vol. 5(2/3):19–20, 34
    country comparisons, Vol. 3(3):1–31
    economic impact of transportation, Vol. 3(1):15–30
    elasticity, Vol. 1(1):1–14
    estimation of, Vol. 5(2/3):37–56
    induced travel demand, Vol. 3(1):1–14
    international perspective, Vol. 3(3):1–31
    management, Vol. 4(2/3):51–73
    trip length, Vol. 1(1):43–57

Trip chaining, Vol. 5(1):27; Vol. 5(2/3):24, 33

Trucks/trucking, Vol. 1(2):42–43
    accident risk analyses, Vol. 1(1) 75–92; Vol. 2(1) 20, 26; Vol. 3(1):69–79, 36–43
    determinants of accidents, Vol. 3(1):69–79
    disaster planning, Vol. 1(2):37–48
    estimating truck traffic, Vol. 3(1):53–66
    methodology using automatic vehicle classification, Vol. 1(3):89–93
    freight demand and mode choice, Vol. 2(2):149–158
    hazardous materials shipments, Vol. 3(1):81–92
    impact of Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):37–48
    light trucks
    accidents, Vol. 2(1):27, 36–43
    emissions, Vol. 3(2):49–63
    ownership and use, Vol. 3(3):47–60
    long-haul freight, Vol. 3(3):83–89
    metropolitan freight, Vol. 3(3):83–89
    Northridge earthquake, Vol. 1(2):37–48, 57, 58
    safety, Vol. 3(1):69–79
    state-level commodity flows, Vol. 1(1):63–73
    surveys of Los Angeles area trucking companies, Vol. 1(2):37–48

United Kingdom
    crash statistics, Vol. 2(2):159–166
    elasticity studies of public transport, Vol. 1(1):1, 7, 10–12 (passim)

Urban areas
    air pollution at intersections, Vol. 3(2):85–101
    earthquakes, Vol. 1(2), 1–73
    effect of speed limits on fatal accidents, Vol. 4(1):7–11
    induced travel demand, Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1):1–14
    motor vehicle emissions, Vol. 3(2):15–28, 65–102
    motor vehicle noise, Vol. 1(1):20–21, 23, 24, 33; Vol. 1(3):1–24
    public transport fares, Vol. 1(1):43–62
    speed monitoring, Vol. 3(3):72–81
    transportation models, Vol. 3(1):31–52

    land-use scenarios and transportation sketch planning, Wasatch Front, Vol 4(1):39–49
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):68, 69, 72

Utility-based surplus approach (accessibility modeling), Vol. 4(2/3):35

Vans. See Light trucks

Vehicle license fees. See Motor vehicles

Vehicle-miles of travel (VMT), Vol. 3(1):1–14
    accidents, Vol. 1(1):76, 77, 80, 83, 84–88; Vol. 2(1):36–43
    crash fatalities, Vol. 2(2):163–164
    disabled persons, travel vouchers, Vol. 2(1):66–67
    emissions and, Vol. 3(2):19, 39-47, 51–59, 67
    general, Vol. 3(1):74–75, 78
    hazardous materials, Vol. 3(1):87
    households and businesses, Vol. 5(2/3):1–18
    induced travel demand, Vol. 5(1):25, 27–28, 32, 36
    Mid-Atlantic, Vol. 3(1):1–14
    light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3):47–60
    measuring vehicle travel by visitors, Vol. 5(2/3):83–90
    models, Vol. 3(3):50–51
    motor vehicle ownership and use, Vol. 2(1):3–7, 11, 17,
    National Personal Transportation Survey, Vol. 2(1):1–17
    noise, Vol. 1(3):5–6, 19
    railways, European, efficiency/output, Vol. 3(3):61–68
    social costs, Vol. 1(1):19, 27
    speed and speed limits, Vol. 3(3):69–81
    travel demand, Vol. 3(3):1–31 (passim)
    truck accidents on freeway ramps, Vol. 1(1):76, 77, 80, 83, 84–88
    truck traffic estimates, Vol. 1(3):90

Vehicle occupancy models, Vol. 3(3):53–54

Vehicle ownership
    household, Vol. 2(1):1–17
    equity of vehicle license fees by income, Vol. 2(2):135–140
    equity of vehicle license fees by location, Vol. 2(2):140–143
    light trucks and passenger cars, Vol. 3(3):47–60
    models, Vol. 3(3):57–59

Vermont, truck flows, Vol. 1(1):67, 68, 69, 71, 72

    study of road capacity and VMT, Vol. 5(1):28
    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

VMT. See Vehicle-miles of travel

Walking, Vol. 4(2/3):67–68, 71–73, 74–75

Washington (state)
    time-use behavior model, Vol. 5(1):39
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):67, 69, 72

Washington, DC
    study of road capacity and VMT, Vol. 5(1):28
    truck accidents on freeway ramps, 75–92
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):64, 69, 72

Water pollution, motor vehicle use, Vol. 1(1):26, 30, 36, 37, 38

West Germany, travel demand, Vol. 3(3):1–31

West Sussex, England, Vol. 5(1):51

West Virginia, truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Wetlands, transportation's effects on, Vol. 2(1):48–50, 57

    impacts of bypasses on communities, Vol. 5(1):58
    truck trips, Vol. 3(1):53–67
    truck flows, Vol. 1(1):69, 72

Wyoming, truck flows, Vol. 1(1):68m 69, 72

Zoning, parking management, Vol. 2(1):93–107