Table 1 Variables and Related Questions from the Provider Survey "Group trips. ""I have been able to group trips effectively with the new broker system."" Strongly agree = 5; agree = 4; neutral = 3; disagree = 2; strongly disagree = 1." "Quality. ""The overall quality of service I provide to my Medicaid riders has improved under the new system."" Strongly" agree = 5; agree = 4; neutral = 3; disagree = 2; strongly disagree = 1. "Brokers are fair. ""The broker has a fair procedure for allocating trips among all the providers in my region."" Strongly agree = 5; agree = 4; neutral = 3; disagree = 2; strongly disagree = 1." "More second riders. ""My organization's average number of second passengers (of all kinds) per trip under the broker system has:"" increased = 3; remained the same = 2; decreased = 1." "Revenue change. ""My organization's revenue for Medicaid transportation services under the broker system has:"" increased = 3; remained the same = 2; decreased = 1." "Share of trips are Medicaid. ""What share of your trips is for Medicaid?"" Nearly all = 4; three-fourths = 3; one-half = 2; one-fourth or less = 1." Companies with vans and buses. All companies with vans or buses were coded 1; all others were coded 0.* Small taxi companies with no vans and buses. All providers with 10 or fewer cabs and no vans or buses were coded 1; all others were coded 0.* "*The two variables about organization type and size were based on responses to this question: ""How many of each type of vehicle do you have: buses, taxis, minivans, and other?"""