Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 4 - Correlation of Accessibility Scores for Retail Trade in Stockholm

NOTE: The first two letters of the code in the "variable" column of tables 2 through 5 refer to the type of AM, where CU = cumulative opportunity and LS = logsum. Letters 3 and 4 refer to the opportunity: RT = retail trade and PH = pharmacy. Letter 5 refers to gender: M = men, W = women. In tables 2 and 3, the last letter in the code indicates educational level: L = low, I = intermediate, and H = high. Finally, AA is the traditional zonal measure that is unweighted.

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Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6
(1) CURTM 1.000          
(2) CURTW  .999 1.000        
(3) CURTAA  .592  .599 1.000      
(4) LSRTM  .822  .818  .381 1.000    
(5) LSRTW  .827  .823  .388 1.000 1.000  
(6) LSRTAA  .749  .751  .615  .836  .840 1.000