Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1 Dependent and Independent Variables

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Independent variables

Category Variable Name
Number of accidents The (log-transformed) number of accidents with persons killed or seriously injured LNACCKSI
The (log-transformed) number of accidents with lightly injured persons LNACCLI
Number of casualties The (log-transformed) number of persons killed or seriously injured LNPERKSI
The (log-transformed) number of persons lightly injured LNPERLI

Dependent variables

Category Variable Name
Laws and regulations Law of June 1975
→ mandatory seat belt use in the front seats
Law of November 1988
→ introduction of zones with a speed limit of 30 km/h
Law of January 1992
→ a.o. speed limit of 50 km/h in urban areas and 90 km/h at road sections with at least 2 by 2 lanes without separation
Law of December 1994
→ 0.5‰ blood alcohol concentration imposed and higher fines in case of 0.8‰ or higher
Law of April 1996
→ a vehicle driver should give right of way to pedestrians who are (or have the intention to) crossing the street
Weather conditions The quantity of precipitation (in mm) Quaprec
The monthly percentage of days with precipitation Pdayprec
The number of sunlight hours Hrssun
The monthly percentage of days with sunlight Pdaysun
The monthly percentage of days with frost/freezing temperatures Pdayfrost
The monthly percentage of days with snow Pdaysnow
The monthly percentage of days with thunderstorm Pdaythun
Economic variables The percentage inflation Inflat
The (log-transformed) number of unemployed persons Lnunemp
The (log-transformed) number of car registrations Lncar
The percentage of second-hand car registrations Poldncar