[design image slice] U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service on faded trees in medium light green background [design image slice] more faded trees

San Juan National Forest

[design image] green box with curved corner
[design image] green and cream arch

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USDA Forest Service
San Juan National Forest
15 Burnett Court
Durango, CO 81301

Telephone for the
Hearing Impaired

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Trails of the Pagosa Ranger District (for more information: [970] 264-2268 )

Opal Lake at dusk, South San Juan Wilderness. Photo by Cory Wall, Pagosa Ranger District, San Juan National Forest.

Opal Lake at dusk, South San Juan Wilderness. Photo by Cory Wall, Pagosa
Ranger District, San Juan National Forest.


How to use this page:


The trails below are grouped under three main areas: The Piedra Area, the Weminuche Wilderness and the South San Juan Wilderness. Under each area we have broken the trails down by the name of the trailhead used to access each trail.

The San Juan National Forest (SJNF) Map is very useful when trying to find the listed trailheads. You can order this map at http://sjma.org. All directions to the trailheads begin in Pagosa Springs. Mileages are approximate. Forest Development Roads (FDR) and trail numbers are in parentheses. Most trailheads offer limited parking space. Please be considerate when parking and leave room for others to turn around.

Many of the trails and trail junctions are not signed. It is highly recommended to carry a topographical map and compass for trail navigation.

Please note: Trail mileages may conflict with the mileages shown on the included maps. These maps were freehand drawn using a TOPO program, not GPS. They are estimates and should be treated as such. With that having been said, we will do our best to provide the most accurate information available.


The Piedra Area

The Piedra Area contains 61,850 acres in the San Juan National Forest. In the Colorado Wilderness Act of 1993, the Piedra Area was designated by Congress as an area to be managed to maintain its presently-existing wilderness character and potential for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System. The Act provides for grazing and restricts mechanized and motorized travel.


Weminuche Wilderness Area

This is the largest wilderness in Colorado at 487,912 acres (323,495 acres on the San Juan National Forest and 164,417 acres on the Rio Grande National Forest). Stretching across the Continental Divide from Stony Pass on the north to Wolf Creek Pass on the south, the Weminuche contains three summits over 14,000 feet in elevation and many more over 13,000 feet. Elevations range from 7,910 to 14,087 feet (Windom Peak). It is an area of rugged mountain beauty, with spectacular peaks, broad glacial valleys, and pristine lakes. The Weminuche is one of the most visited Wilderness areas in Colorado and is popular with both hiking and horseback visitors. There are more than 490 miles of trails, some of which are listed here, with access to two trailheads via the Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad, which offers a unique entry to the wilderness environment.


South San Juan Wilderness

The South San Juan Wilderness encompasses the eastern extent of the San Juan Mountain Range, including a segment of the Continental Divide. Originally designated as Wilderness by Congress in 1980, it is a component of the National Wilderness Preservation System.



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USDA Forest Service, San Juan National Forest
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Last modified May 22, 2006

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