[design image slice] U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service on faded trees in medium light green background [design image slice] more faded trees

San Juan National Forest

[design image] green box with curved corner
[design image] green and cream arch

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USDA Forest Service
San Juan National Forest
15 Burnett Court
Durango, CO 81301

Telephone for the
Hearing Impaired

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Columbine Ranger District Trails


Columbine Ranger District

The Elk Creek Trail is impassable by livestock.

The Elk Creek Trail (#503) within the Weminuch Wilderness has suffered damage during the winter of 2008. Approximately 1 1/2 miles up the trail, from the Elk Park train stop, the trail is impassable by livestock.

Animas River Drainage Pine River Drainage

Animas River Trail

Big Bend Trail #519

Cascade Creek Trail #510

Clear Creek Trail #550

Coal Creek Trail #677

Colorado Trail -
Continental Divide to Molas Pass

Colorado Trail -
Molas Pass to Graysill Lake

Colorado Trail -
Graysill Lake to Kennebec Pass

Colorado Trail -
Gudy's Rest

Colorado Trail -
Kennebec Pass to Junction Creek

Colorado Trail -
Kennebec Pass to Taylor Lake

Columbine Lake Trail #509

Continental Divide Trail - Elwood Pass to Sawtooth Mountain

Continental Divide Trail -
Sawtooth Mountain to Knife Edge

Continental Divide Trail -
Knife Edge to Weminuche Pass

Continental Divide Trail -
Weminuche Pass to Hunchback Pass

Continental Divide Trail -
Hunchback Pass to Stony Pass

Corral Draw Trail #521

Crater Lake Trail #623

Cross Mountain Trail #637

Cunningham Gulch Trail #502

Deer Creek Trail #678

Dutch Creek Trail #516

Elbert Creek Trail #512

Elk Creek Trail #503

Engine Creek Trail #657

Engineer Mountain Trail #508

First Fork Trail #727

Forebay Lake Trail

Goulding Creek Trail #517

Graysill Trail #506

Hermosa Creek Trail #514

Highland Mary Trail #606

Highline Loop Trail

Ice Lake Trail #505

Jones Creek Trail #518

Kennebec Pass to Taylor Lake

Little Elk Creek Trail #515

Log Chutes Trails

Missionary Ridge Trail #543

Molas Trail #665

Needle Creek Trail #504

Pass Creek Trail #500

Purgatory Flats Trail #511

Red Creek Trail #726

Rico-Silverton Trail #507

Salt Creek Trail #559

Sliderock Trail #622

South Fork Trail #549

Spud Lake Trail #661

West Lime Creek Trail #679

White Creek Trail #548

Whitehead Trail #674

Youngs Canyon Trail #546

Endlich Mesa Trail Shuttle Loop
# 534, #542, #667

Endlich Mesa Trail to Crystal Valley #534

Hunchback Pass to Elk Creek Trail #813 to #503

Lime Mesa Trail #676

Vallecito Trail from Johnson Creek to Huncback Pass #529

Needle Creek/Chicago Basin to Johnson Creek over Columbine Pass #504


Pine River Trail #523 to Emerald Lake #528

Pine River Trail #523 to Emerald Lake #528 to Moon Lake

Pine River Trail #523 to Emerald Lake #528 to Flint Creek #527

Pine River Trail #523 to Granite Lake

Pine River Trail #523 to Weminuche Pass

Pine River Trail #523 or Weminuche Trail #818 to Skyline Trail #564 and The Window

Ute Creek Loop #813 (includes Continental Divide Trail)

Ute Creek Semi-Loop #813

Vallecito Creek Trail to Hunchback Pass #529

Vallecito Creek Trail #529 to Johnson Creek Trail #504 to Columbine Lake

Vallecito Creek Trail #529 to Rock Lake

Vallecito Creek Trail #529 to Rock Creek Trail to Flint Creek Trail #527 to Pine River Trail #523

Whitehead Trail #674



USDA Forest Service, San Juan National Forest
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Last modified November 13, 2008

USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site.