Picture of wlidland fireFire crew loading up in helicopterTeachers attending the field session of the Fire Ecology Institute put on by the Colorado State  Forest Service and sponsored by the National Fire PlanPrescibed burn on Ft. Pierre Grasslands
RMACC Rocky Mountain Area Coordination Center
June 3, 2003 10:51 AM

Feature S tories

FY 2002 Reports 

R2 Home Page

[Text Only Version]

Rocky Mountain Region NFP Logo



Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Region's National Fire Plan website. During the last decade, the Rocky Mountain Region has experienced fire seasons of record proportions that adversely impacted diverse ecosystems, critical water and air sheds, industry and communities. In 2002, nearly 15,770 fires burned more that 1.2 million acres, 30 percent of which were not federal lands. Most of these involved large scale evacuations , structure and resource loss, and all commanded significant political and media interest.

383 homes have been lost, however, an estimated 36,200 still stand as a result of interagency fire fighting efforts in areas of immediate threat thanks to the National Fire Plan. Our principle objectives remain:

  • SAFETY for firefighters and our affected publics.
  • SERVICE to customers and communities.
  • STEWARDSHIP in our treatment of public lands entrusted in our care.

Check out our Focused Assessment Process developed by the Regional National Fire Plan Team Click on this icon to the left to check out our Focussed Assessment Framework Process that the Regional NFP Team developed to help prioritise projects to reduce hazardous fuels at the landscape scale. For questions and comments contact us at 303-275-5356.


Mike da Luz, Regional CoordinatorSincerely,

Mike da Luz
Regional NFP Coordinator


The FY2002 Performance Report for the National Fire Plan

The Firewise Home Page was created for people who live or vacation in fire prone areas of North America.


Current Fire Situation
A daily update from the National Interagency Fire Center


Fire Management Policy

Report to the President

Contracting Opportunities


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Other NFP Websites

Links to National Park Service website.

National Fire Plan websites for the Forest Service

Link to Colorado's BLM website.

Rocky Mountain Region NFP Core Team Key Contacts

Agency Links:

United States Department of Agriculture

Department of Interior

National Association of State Foresters

Forests in the Rocky Mountain Region

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Governors 10 yr. Comprehensive Strategy

National Interagency NFP website



Counter as of July 5, 2001

Page created: 07/05/01
Last update: 06-03-03