welcome to American Leprosy Missions:

Celebrating over 100 years of service, American Leprosy Missions (ALM) is the oldest and largest Christian organization in the United States devoted to restoring the lives of people affected by leprosy and related conditions worldwide through holistic cure and care.

ALM on Sky Radio Network:

American Leprosy Missions’ President Christopher J. Doyle interviewed for Sky Radio. This interview will be played on Northwest and American Airlines flights. Click here to listen now (windows media audio file).

You Can Deliver The Cure:

Confronted by the incalculable human suffering caused by leprosy, American Leprosy Missions has launched an extensive Deliver the Cure Campaign.

The immediate goal for this important effort is to deliver a complete cure and critical rehabilitation for 25,000 children, men, and women with leprosy around the world — before it is too late for them.

Give Now.

Every two minutes, another person contracts leprosy.

Every twenty minutes, a child is infected with this devastating disease.

That is why ALM is setting a bold goal for 2008:  to deliver the cure to 25,000 children and adults—a dramatic increase over the number of people reached last year.

At no time has your support been more important in ensuring success in our effort to deliver the cure to make lives better for those affected by leprosy.

See how you can help Deliver the Cure today.