I-2-5-80. Preparation and Service of a Subpoena

Last Update: 9/28/05 (Transmittal I-2-68)

A. Preparation of Form HA-511 (Subpoena)

When an ALJ decides to issue a subpoena, prepare the subpoena by completing Form HA-511. (To access HA-511, go to DGS and click on the “Correspondence” tab then click on the “Other” tab and then click on the “Subpoena” tab.)

  1. If the subpoena requires the individual to appear in person at a hearing or by videoconference or telephone conference, so indicate on the subpoena and:

    • describe in accurate and specific terms the facts or documentary evidence that the individual must provide;

    • state the time and place of the hearing; and

    • indicate that the individual is to bring the subpoena to the hearing if the individual is to appear in person.

  2. If the subpoena requires the individual to provide documentary evidence rather than appear as a witness, type “For Production of Documentary Evidence” at the top of the subpoena to the right of the word SUBPOENA, and:

    • describe in accurate and specific terms the facts or documentary evidence that the individual must provide; and

    • indicate that the individual is to return the subpoena with the requested documentary evidence or facts.

The ALJ must sign both copies of a subpoena.

B. Serving the Subpoena

To serve the subpoena, the ALJ will send the original to the individual being subpoenaed by U. S. Certified mail – Return Receipt Requested. The ALJ will complete the “Return of Service” section on the reverse side of the signed copy and retain it in the CF.

C. Payment of Subpoenaed Individuals