I-2-5-54. Obtaining Vocational Expert Testimony

Last Update: 9/28/05 (Transmittal I-2-68)

A. The HO staff will contact the VE and schedule him or her for hearings as necessary.

The notification letter is produced when the Notice of Hearing is generated. To request an VE to testify at a hearing, the ALJ or HO staff will complete the notice in DGS at the same time the Notice of Hearing is generated for the claimant. Under the “Hearing Information” tab in the Notice of Hearing user form, select either “Vocational Expert” or “VE & ME” depending on what type of expert testimony needed, and the VE's notice will be generated automatically. The HO staff must modify the form as necessary to adapt it to the specific case and include:

B. Distribution of Notice of Hearing to Vocational Expert

Distribute the Notice of Hearing to the VE as follows:

C. Providing the VE with Relevant Evidence

The ALJ must provide the VE with relevant vocational evidence that will assist the VE in providing the vocational opinion. This evidence must include: