I-2-5-98. Sample-Letter to Transmit Revised Interrogatories to Claimant or Representative

Last Update: 9/28/05 (Transmittal I-2-68)


Social Security Administration


Refer to:




Office of Hearing and Appeals

Claimant or Representative's Name
City, State ZIP

Dear __________________:

In response to your comments of [date], I have revised the [interrogatories/questions] that I originally proposed to submit to a [medical/vocational] expert. I am enclosing the revised [interrogatories/questions].

If you have any further comments, please send them to me within 10 days from the date of this letter. After that time, I will request a [medical/vocational] expert to respond to the [interrogatories/questions].


Sincerely yours,


Administrative Law Judge


cc: [Claimant]


In letter to an attorney representative, use “interrogatories.” In letter to an unrepresented claimant, use “questions. ”