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Fire Island National SeashoreRanger and other people walking along boardwalk trail flanked by the twisted trunks of shadblow and other maritime forest trees.
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Fire Island National Seashore
For Your Safety: Avoid Ticks
Upside down, a brown dog tick grasps a blade of grass.
American dog tick, with its legs questing for a ride on its next meal, waits patiently near the end of a blade of grass.
Several species of ticks live on Fire Island. The tiny deer tick can transmit Lyme disease and other illnesses, so you should avoid grassy areas or leaf litter where these ticks may be abundant. Wear light-colored clothing and check yourself frequently for ticks. Use an appropriate insect repellent and follow directions carefully. If bitten, remove the tick carefully with fine-tipped tweezers and consult a doctor.

Lyme disease is a devastating bacterial disease which is transmitted by a tick bite. Symptoms of Lyme disease may include joint pain, fever, lethargy, heart problems, kidney problems, loss of appetite and depression.

Other species of ticks also carry bacteria that can cause serious disease including ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Woman stands on trail with grasses and shrubs nearby.
Even on established trails, you should be aware that "questing" ticks can be found clinging to overhanging grass and shrubs.
For further information about Lyme disease and other vector-borne illnesses, visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control:

For More Information

A series of Science Synthesis Papers was published in 2005 to support the preparation of a General Management Plan for Fire Island National Seashore.

Park ranger works at desk inside a visitor center.
Stop by the Visitor Center
Staff at Fire Island's visitor centers help you better understand the park.
Small Yorkshire terrier is clucthed tightly in arms of his owner.
Where Can I Take My Dog?
Always keep your pet leashed for its protection.
Coral-pink sunrise over low, dark silhouette of the island, a sliver of calm bay water to the left and gentle ocean waves to the right.  

Did You Know?
Barrett Beach/Talisman is one of the narrowest parts of 32-mile-long Fire Island. You can easily walk from one side of the island to the other—bay to ocean—in 5 minutes or less.

Last Updated: May 13, 2008 at 08:45 EST